M'sian lady writes super-long message to CNN demanding cendol be attributed to M'sia, not S'pore


Nyi Nyi Thet | December 05, 2018, 05:43 PM

CNN recently published an article titled "50 of the world's best desserts".

One of the desserts featured was cendol, which they wrote as a Singaporean dish.

Here it is.

Screenshot from CNN

To CNN's credit, they stopped short of saying cendol originated from Singapore, instead praising Singapore's "take" on it.

Unfortunately, that bit of nuance wasn't enough for many, with outcry over the false attribution soon erupting.

Oh no.

Next level

Facebook user and proud cendol defender Chow Ping gave a response in terms of a message to CNN first.

Here's her post.

And here's her message.

"Dear CNN, I would like to correct a grave error in your recent article “50 of the world’s best desserts”, dated 1st December 2018. Here, Cendol is associated with Singapore.

Although it is not exactly spelled out, the message is clear, that Cendol is a Singaporean dish. Please learn that to call Cendol Singaporean is no different from saying that apple pie is Malaysian.

One might find apple pies in Malaysia, but that does not make it a Malaysian dish.

Kindly note the Cendol is NOT a Singaporean dish. It is a Malaysian dessert. Some would argue that it is Indonesian, and even that is more accurate than the horrendous claim that Singapore owns the dish.

Of course Singapore may convince you otherwise, mostly in the confines of beautifully decorated boardrooms.

However do know that this is terribly inaccurate, as your good self would be aware of it proper homework was conducted.

Having said that, I understand that to err is human. Therefore, as long as this mistake is properly rectified, you will not be held accountable, even if it screams poor journalism.

Thank you for the integrity you will exhibit when you print a correction."

Whoa, great letter, give that lady some authentic Singapore food, like Assam Laksa, Kolo Mee, or Penang Char Kway Teow.

As of this article, CNN does not seem to have edited their piece.

Image collated from Chow Ping and CNN


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