Miss Universe Singapore 2018 Trump-Kim summit costume causes Photoshop battle

Turned into a meme in two hours.

Belmont Lay | November 29, 2018, 02:52 PM

And it has begun.

Miss Universe Singapore representative Zahra Khanum is wearing this for the 2018 pageant in Bangkok next week:

The costume looks like it is inspired by the recent Trump-Kim Summit in Singapore in June 2018.

Yes, world peace is a difficult concept to bring to life through fashion, but that obviously didn't stop Singaporean designer Moe Kasim, 48, from taking a stab at it.

The disembodied arms on the costume hover over an image of the Singapore skyline, with landmarks like Marina Bay Sands, Gardens by the Bay and the Singapore Flyer.

However, the American's hand is conspicuously hovering over the contestant's nether regions, effectively making a clever but oblique Trump reference.

Kasim told The New Paper: "The toughest part was bringing out the message tastefully through design. I had to consider the political sensitivities and what it all meant to Singapore and to the world community... without (creating) any misinterpretation."


Internet reacts

In response, artist Jer Bear announced the #MissUniverseSingaporePhotoshopBattle on Facebook.

Here are some of the entries.



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