Super patient taxi driver tries to get ‘drunk’ passenger to pay fare, but he still runs off anyway

The fare dodger got away.

Nyi Nyi Thet | January 13, 2019, 09:53 PM

Fare dodgers are an unfortunate, but very real, danger for taxi drivers.

But rarely does a purported fare dodger engage in such confusing dialogue before running away.

Here is the video, which was uploaded to various social media outlets on Jan. 13.

If you want to read through their conversation, we have put up a transcript below.

[video width="406" height="720" mp4=""][/video]

The incident, which happened at Bedok North, showed an allegedly drunk man failing to come to terms with the concept of payment, and taxi drivers.

The patient taxi driver would eventually find himself chasing after the man at the end of the video.

It's honestly extremely confusing, so here's a transcript to help you make sense of it.


Taxi driver (TD): Hello, excuse me, excuse me. You have to pay and come out now, your phone is here, 10, 15 minutes already.

No no you just come out, it’s already Blk 534.

*Passenger comes out slowly*

TD: Your phone, your phone.

Passenger (P): Mutters

TD: *Points purposefully* Your phone is on the left side, left side, left side, here.

S$12 please, because I need to go off already.

*Passenger appears to fall back asleep*

TD: Can you pay S$12?

P: Yeah sure.

TD: Oh and I need to go, can you hurry up please?

*Passenger slowly gets out of car*

TD: Pay the S$12 please

P: You want me to pay the 12 dollars is it?

TD: Yes

*Proceeds to go back in to the cab*

TD: No, no, no, no, you come out.

P: You want me pay 12 dollars or come out.

TD: You can come out and pay the S$12

*Passenger comes out again*

TD: Why you still go in and sit down?

P: So how do I pay the 12 dollars? I come out already?

TD: What do you mean how you pay?

You wanna pay by nets or by cash?

P: By cash.

I’ll pay you by cash

TD: Yeah, cash, give it to me

P: Ok, do I pass it to you? Or?

TD: Yeah you pass to me *laughs at absurdity of the situation* I’m the driver.

*Passenger plays with around phone*

TD: Or what, you use your phone to pay, then that's not cash what?

*Passenger fiddles with phone*

TD: You using your phone to pay?

P: At the end of the day, you get the money

TD: No, no, please.

If you want to use the nets, then I have to go in and use nets

P: I'll tell the driver *Unintelligible muttering* Too much

TD: Sorry, I beg your pardon.

I have been very patient with you, you’ve been sitting inside there for more than 10 minutes.

I know you’re a bit drunk but I’ve given you time already.

So please tell me you wanna pay by nets or ...

P: I'm going to pay you, do you want to accept the...

TD: No, no what, you said you pay by cash right?

P: No it’s ok, I don’t wanna waste time with you ah… *fidgets with phone*

*Uncomfortable silence*

TD: You wanna pay nets, or you wanna pay cash.

P: Excuse me *heads to the front of the car* thank you so much.

TD: Don't open, excuse me, don’t touch the vehicle

P: Why..

TD: What is it you want?

P: *Indignantly* I’m talking to the driver

TD: *Exasperatedly* I’m the driver. I'm the driver.

P: *Surprised* Are you the driver?


P: Oh ok, I didn’t know.

I would like to go to, out of this place

TD: What you mean out of this place? Your location you reach here is Blk 534. Alright?

P: Ok, I would like...

TD: Don't open my door, you've reached the destination, you have to pay now. Or I will call the police right now.

P: Are you ok?

TD: No, you have wasted so much time already. You have wasted so much of my time already, 10 mins you sleeping there.

P: I am over here.

TD: No, you have to pay now, or I call the police.

P: Where am I gonna go? I’m over here.

I’m asking you, let’s go.

TD: No, your friend say to bring you to Blk 534, Bedok North.

P: No friend ask me to come over here

TD: You were with that lady in Lucky Plaza.

P: What lady?

TD: You were with that lady in Lucky Plaza.

P: What lady?

TD: Ok fine.

*Taxi driver reaches in to grab something*

*Passenger walks off*

TD: Where are you going now?

Where are you going? You have to pay before you leave.

Excuse me, you have to pay before you leave.

Where are you going, you're not going to pay? You run is it? You run is it?

End of transcript.

The video ends with the drive struggling to catch his breath, with the passenger nowhere in sight.

It is not clear if the driver managed to get the money back after the video ended, but it doesn't appear so.


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