Pedestrian bonked by car outside Khatib Camp because red man showing, hello?

The light turned green shortly after.

Tanya Ong | January 22, 2019, 12:09 PM

A man in Singapore, who is likely to appear in the next road safety video as a negative example of road usage, was hit by an oncoming vehicle as he crossed the road while the pedestrian light was red.

Crossed road despite red pedestrian light

Not to say that he deserved it, but according to a video uploaded on Jan. 22, the man can be seen crossing the junction between Sembawang Road and Jalan Mata Ayer, despite the red pedestrian light showing.

Screengrab via video

Upon noticing an oncoming vehicle, he began running across the road.

Unfortunately, it was too late, or because he ran and sped up, he did not make it safely across, and got hit by the car instead.

The pedestrian light turned green shortly after.

Thankfully, the man did not appear to sustain serious injuries and was able to stand up after the incident.

The incident took place on Jan. 18 at around 4pm, according to the video timestamp.

This is where the incident happened, which is outside Khatib Camp and right at the junction with Yishun Avenue 3:

Screengrab from Google Streetview.

And this is the video:

Top photo screengrab from video.


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