Bottles with colourful crystals claim to "restructure" water, add taste & many health benefits

They are as expensive as they are pretty.

Mandy How | October 04, 2017, 05:44 PM

If plain water is too plebeian for your taste, then these bottles with interchangeable gem-pods promise to make it "tastier":

These are made by a company called VitaJuwel. We can't access their About Us page on their website, but it claims that these crystal-infused bottles of water come with a plethora of benefits, such as increasing alertness, lowering blood pressure, easing skin eruptions, even giving you clarification and inner peace. 

Who knew water could do that, eh?

So how does this miracle happen?

According to the company, the crystals, which do not themselves come into contact with your water, emit a vibration that can imprint its pattern on to the water crystals, making them more oxygenated, more alkaline and improving their structure for better absorption.

Here's how they explain the process on their FAQ page:

"VitaJuwel products use lead-free glass. Lead is responsible for beautiful 'bubble-free glass', and when used it creates a barrier, prohibiting the energy signature of the crystals to be transferred to the water.

So technically while it doesn't touch the water directly, it transfers the information across the lead-free glass."

How is that done? Via a process called epitaxy — allegedly little known by scientists — which involves the transference of structural information (not any composition whatsoever) from one solid (or liquid) to a liquid.


There are are 18 different gem and crystal blends to choose from, including aquamarine, gold, diamonds, emerald, rose quartz and petrified wood. You can tailor it to suit your needs — visual or otherwise.

For example, the rose quartz bottle (named Harmony), is said to help with increasing self-worth and confidence, attracting loving and harmonious relationships, as well as reducing wrinkles and maintaining healthy skin. 

More benefits of rose quartz, according to them:

  • Strengthens the heart
  • Helps with blood circulation, especially the supply of blood to the tissues
  • Helps the reproductive organs, encouraging fertility in women
  • Makes skin soft and velvety
  • Other characteristics include warmth, love, empathy, sensitivity, sensuality & romance
  • Makes one aware of one’s own needs

Sounds great, huh. The catch? This bottle will set you back by S$145.

If you're interested, you can look at more crystal blends here. But some bottles, like the Diamond one, cost almost S$500.

For home use, there are also vials, which you use for kettles and such. This is Vision (S$311), made from a blend of shungite and clear quartz:

Together, they boost your immune system, balance blood pressure and purify blood, plus strengthen perception, attentiveness, memory and understanding, among other things. 

If you would like to browse or purchase, click here.

The company also has a brick-and-mortar shop at 545 Orchard Road, #16-04 Far East Shopping Centre, Singapore 238882.

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