World's longest water slide takes 4 minutes, set to open in Penang in Aug. 2019

You'll slide down from the hilltops, cross the forest and then into the theme park.

Guan Zhen Tan | June 24, 2019, 05:38 PM

The Escape Theme Park in Penang, Malaysia has several attractions, including luge sleds, waters slides, zip lines and obstacle courses, catering to adventurous visitors who want to connect with nature.

Come August 2019, they will also be home to the world's longest water slide.

More than 1km long

The water slide, when completed, will measure at an impressive 1,140 m (or 1.14 km) in length, with a height of 70 m.

The current Guinness Book of Records record holder, the New Jersey water slide is 605 m long.

What makes this particular slide unique is the fact that it's built within the forest, without the aid of heavy machinery that may damage the surrounding flora and fauna.

Screenshot via Escape Theme Park, Penang's Facebook page

Screenshot via Escape Theme Park, Penang's Facebook page

The slide begins at the hilltop, crossing Jalan Teluk Bahang, to the suspension bridge before ending up at the waterpark, and it is set to be the park's star attraction once ready for visitors in August.

The Penang Development, Heritage, Culture and Arts Committee chairman Yeoh Soon Hin noted that A security check would be carried out beforehand, according to a report by the New Straits Times

A 30-seater cable car which leads up to the hilltop will reportedly be completed at the same time.

Top image via Escape Theme Park, Penang's Facebook page


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