S'porean youth collecting 5-cent coins from everyone in S'pore to feed the poor & hungry

Five cents bigger than a bullock cart's wheel.

Belmont Lay | June 04, 2019, 01:10 PM

One youth in Singapore is carrying out a coin-collecting campaign to prove that five cents is indeed bigger than a bullock cart's wheel (i.e. gor chiam tua kuay gu chia leng).

Five Cents Project

Fronted by a Singaporean youth, Adrian Foo, the Five Cents Project is slowly picking up steam three months after it was crystallised in a March 15 Facebook post:

What a lot of 5-cent coins can do

The combined relief provided by many five-cent coins put together will go towards alleviating the hunger of the poor and needy in Singapore society.

It works

The proof of concept put up by Foo on May 7 showed it is possible to collect over 10,000 five-cent coins to aggregate some S$523.80 -- which was collected from 80 people:


On April 30, the first jar was already up and running at Chippy at Plaza Singapura:


The second jar was up on May 31 at Puri-Puri, 367 Beach Road Singapore:

And the third jar was up on June 3 at Soylicious at Bukit Timah Market and Food Center, #02-166:

The note on the jar said:

Did you know, if every person in Singapore contributed $0.05, we would accumulate a total of $281,935?

Your five cents will provide a warm meal for the elderly beneficiaries of Happy People Helping People (HPHP). Know that YOUR contribution, no matter how small, is of value.

Do follow Five Cents Project on Facebook and @fivecentsproject on Instagram for updates!

Potential difficulties

However, one of the difficulties is in counting the number of coins.

According to a May 19 post, Foo contacted a few banks in Singapore and only one replied that it would provide a one-time waiver for counting the coins.

But the post also wrote that it was a symbolic moment for this project, as it marked the completion for the first round of collection.

The team would also collect as many coins as possible to maximise the bank's waiver offer.

For more updates on the campaign that does not appear to have a deadline, you can check Five Cents Project.


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