Andy Hui caught cheating on Sammi Cheng with Jacqueline Wong, who was dating Kenneth Ma

They have been married for five years.

Nyi Nyi Thet | April 16, 2019, 10:38 PM

This is Andy Hui.

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演唱會第一個meeting😬💪💪💪😊 @ithk #zadigetvoltaire

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This is Andy Hui and his singer wife of five years, Sammi Cheng.

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人生首次”被斟茶”, 有點緊張, 不知應該說什麼,不敢亂笑. 🥴 . 喝完茶任務完成才鄭四萬回來. ✌️😄四萬人生總有很多的第一次以及唯一的一次. 例如婚姻. 喝過這一杯茶, mi也提醒自己,婚姻來得不易, 每一對couples 都務必珍惜和努力守護。 mi 一直認為婚姻本身並不提供愛, 是彼此之間的愛滋養著婚姻,是彼此的努力,是彼此之間的不分彼此,才能使婚姻有血有肉有生命. 婚姻是無形但相處是有形, 婚姻中每個階段也是一場埸終身學習. 我估計沒有捷徑, 只能一步一步經歷. 才能真正體現”一步一生 “的幸福. 恭喜你們, 欢迎加入許氏這個大家庭. 🥰 #被斟茶的感覺有點不習慣😅 #開心的一夜深深感受大家庭的愛和熱鬧 #婚姻 #飲完這杯茶才放鬆笑番😁 #新娘子這夜好美🥰新郎也不差😆 #一步一生 #婚姻是彼此之間的不分彼此 #幸福的味道 #幸福來了

A post shared by Sammi Cheng Sau Man (@sammi_chengsauman) on

The pair had been dating on and off since 1991.

A significant obstacle occured on April 16, when a video clip of Hui acting intimately with a female passenger, later confirmed to be TVB actress Jacqueline Wong, was released by Hong Kong publication Apple Daily.

This is Wong.

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Here is the video.

Past instances

Netizens soon dug up information on the two, noting the times they had appeared on each other's Instagram accounts.

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Officially 30! 🥴 多謝陪我踏入30! 🥰 #sumthingthirty #fitfatclub #b12

A post shared by 黃心穎 Jacqueline B. Wong (@jacquelinebwong) on

The night of the incident was pegged to the birthday celebration of their mutual friend.

Believed to be on the day this picture was taken.

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Happy birthday to our toughest warrior @kenbyang75 ! 祝你繼續健康地瘦落去!💪🏻💪🏻 so far 減左60幾磅、好堅揪吖! #b12 #fitfatclub

A post shared by 黃心穎 Jacqueline B. Wong (@jacquelinebwong) on

All this led to an outcry from Cheng's fans, condemning both Hui and Wong for their transgressions.

Wong herself had also been in a relationship with another TVB actor, Kenneth Ma.

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永遠撐你 ❤️😠 #馬國明 #kennethma #makwokming

A post shared by Kenneth Ma 馬國明 💘 FANS ( on


On the very day itself, Hui held a press conference to apologise for his transgressions.

He also claimed he had been intoxicated but acknowledged that in itself wasn't an excuse.

He also intended to stop all work commitments to go find himself.

Hui also claimed he was a "damaged person"

He also posted an apology on Instagram.

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這是一件不可能被原諒的錯事,我不敢奢求原諒,因為我也沒有辦法可以原諒我自己。我只可以深切反省,並以最誠懇的態度,去為所有因爲這次事件而受影響的人,去說一聲,我真的做錯了,難辭其咎,對不起! 我沒有任何籍口,犯下了如此嚴重的行為,令到我的家人、朋友及所有愛我的人徹底失望,我感到非常遺憾和歉咎。我亦願意承擔由這次事件所引起的一切後果和責任。 最後作為一個丈夫,我要向Sammi說對不起,這是一個徹頭徹尾的錯誤,我感到慚愧及痛心。請大家給予時間和空間我去學習怎樣去改過及重新去做一個人。

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In the post, he apologised to Cheng, saying that he had made a mistake and was ashamed at what he did in that cab.

Their relationship had been described by their friend as "Hong Kong's last fairytale".


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Image from Wong's Instagram and Apple Daily.