RSAF does 'Is it because I'm Chinese' meme, receives 'Is it because I'm Malay' question


Belmont Lay | February 03, 2019, 08:39 PM

The Republic of Singapore Air Force has jumped on the meme bandwagon -- albeit a bit late.

Three whole days after Singapore was seized by the "Is it because I'm Chinese?" hullabaloo, the RSAF put up their own dank meme.

The RSAF's tongue-in-cheek line referencing the now infamous incident involving a female Go-Jek rider from the majority Chinese race playing the race victim card when there is no other cards left to play because of a S$1.50 ERP charge:

And yes, the canopy auto-locks for safety! ?

Awkward response to meme

However, major public sector organisations flexing with their own dank memes to stay relevant in a world of irreverence does come with some risks.

In response to the RSAF meme, one Malay respondent asked:

Why i cant be in the RSAF? Is it coz im malay? ?


This is the thread where the discussion took place:

The Malay respondent then added that, of course, what he said was just in the name of good fun and irreverence, because this is what memes are supposed to be about, right?


Malay pilots are a thing

In case anyone is wondering about the real question if there are indeed Malay pilots in the RSAF, the answer is, yes.

Zakir Hamid and Yusri Abu Bakar are two names that get bandied around a lot.

They are both bona fide pilot fighters with the RSAF.

SCDF first

Playing with memes is like playing with fire, which ironically, is what the Singapore Civil Defence Force does best.

SCDF was one of the first public sector organisations to jump in to demonstrate their strong meme game:

"Is it because I'm Chinese?" catchphrase has moved on to next stage: