Your guide to the major players in M'sia's general election, in under 280 characters each

Like every good drama serial, you need a guide to the characters involved.

Sulaiman Daud | April 11, 2018, 05:19 PM

You've got former rivals turned unlikely allies. You have a mentor turning against his one-time protégé, and politicians tangling with royalty.

There's a husband-and-wife political team, but with a twist -- the husband's technically still under a prison sentence.

And up against them is the powerful son of a former Prime Minister, hoping to avenge a stinging "defeat".

This sounds like House of CardsThe Crown and Scandal all rolled into one, but as it's been proven to us time and time again, fiction has nothing on reality.

It's Malaysia's upcoming general election, which has enough drama of its own to fill HBO and Netflix scripts for years to come.

Why should I care?

Maybe you don't know anyone other than Prime Minister Najib Razak and his opponent, former Prime Minister Mahathir Mohamad.

Perhaps you're not sure how to tell your PKR from your PAS, but you do know that as our neighbour and one of our biggest economic partners, what happens in Malaysia will have a big impact on Singapore's future.

So we've put together a handy guide to introduce you to the major players in this game of thrones.

The ruling party: Barisan Nasional

Quick facts about the ruling Barisan Nasional (BN) coalition:

  • It is an alliance of several political parties, although the three main ones are the United Malays National Organisation (UMNO), Malaysian Chinese Association (MCA) and the Malaysian Indian Congress (MIC).
  • Although BN was officially formed in 1973, this three-party alliance has been governing Malaysia since 1959, and has never lost power.
  • Their logo is white scales on a blue background.

1. Najib Razak

Pic from Najib Razak's Facebook page.

The big boss. PM, son and nephew of two former Malaysian PMs. In power since 2009, also serves as Finance Minister. Was embroiled in the 1MDB scandal, but was reportedly cleared of corruption by Malaysia's Attorney-General. Donald Trump has called him "My favourite PM."


2. Ahmad Zahid Hamidi

Screen shot via FB fanpage.

Deputy Prime Minister, Minister for Home Affairs, holds a Doctorate in Philosophy. Can be snarky, as seen when he "revealed" that Mahathir's father was of Indian ethnicity (actually it was his grandfather).

3. Khairy Jamaluddin

Screen shot via Getty Images.

Minister for Youth and Sports, President of UMNO's Youth Wing. Very active on Twitter. Was in charge of the recent SEA games where flags kept getting mixed up. Also snarked at PM Lee after his PAP party convention speech over Pedra Branca.

4. Hishammuddin Hussein

Pic from Hishamuddin Hussein's Facebook.

Minister for Defence. Another son of a former PM, and is Najib's cousin. Likes to wear army uniform during press conferences.

5. Azalina Othman Said

Pic from Azalina Othman Said's Facebook.

Minister in the Prime Minister's Office. Former TV talk show host and lawyer. Introduced the recent (and controversial) Anti-Fake News Bill in Parliament.

The main opposition: Pakatan Harapan

And here are some quick facts about the opposition Pakatan Harapan (PH) coalition.

  • Translated to English, it means "Pact of Hope". Founded in 2015.
  • Made up of a coalition of opposition parties, like the People's Justice Party (PKR), the Malaysian United Indigenous Party (PPBM), the Democratic Action Party (DAP) and the Malaysian Trust Party (AMANAH).
  • Haven't yet settled on a common logo for all their candidates, but will campaign under various logos.

1. Mahathir Mohamad

Pic from Mahathir Mohamad's Facebook.

Former Prime Minister. Liked to trade barbs with LKY back in the day. 92 years old. Former UMNO member who left and formed his own party, the PPBM, and teamed up with PH. Mentored both Najib and Anwar Ibrahim. PH's candidate for PM.

2. Wan Azizah Wan Ismail

Pic from Wan Azizah Wan Ismail's Facebook.

President of the PKR. First woman Leader of the Opposition in Malaysia, former leader of the civil rights Reformasi movement. Born in Singapore. Married to...

3. Anwar Ibrahim

Screen shot via Anwar Ibrahim's Twitter.

Former Deputy PM and Finance Minister. Serving a prison sentence for sodomy charges, and technically unable to run for MP. In the previous GE (in 2013) his party won the majority vote, although the way the electoral map was drawn allowed the BN to occupy more seats in Parliament.

4. Lim Kit Siang

Screen shot via Lim Kit Siang's Twitter.

Leader of the DAP. Political veteran, having served since the 1970s. Father of Penang's Chief Minister, Lim Guan Eng.

5. Mohamad "Mat" Sabu

Screen shot via Mat Sabu's Facebook.

Leader of AMANAH, popular rally speaker. Former member of Islamic party PAS. Previously detained twice by the authorities under the Internal Security Act.

The third player: Parti Islam Se-Malaysia

Known as the Pan Malaysian Islamic Party or PAS, they are an Islamist political party that has considerable support in the rural North and East Coast. The Chief Minister of Kelantan state is an Ustaz (religious teacher) and a member of PAS.

Previously aligned (somewhat) with the ruling BN, they're going their own way this time.

1. Abdul Hadi Awang

Pic from Abdul Hadi Awang's Facebook.

President of PAS. Has pushed for wider powers for Malaysia's Sharia law courts. Could make the difference in Parliament if his party wins enough seats.

And there you have it — here are your players. Now you can follow the twists and turns and the drama to come.

Editor's note: A previous version of this story described the BN as an alliance solely of UMNO, MCA and MIC. It has been edited to reflect that they are the three main parties in a multi-party coalition.)

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Top image by SAEED KHAN/AFP/Getty Images.