Monkey joins students for lunch on NTU campus, eating while perched on edge of table

Not the first NTU resident to get up to monkey business.

Sulaiman Daud | September 19, 2017, 04:01 PM

NTU is not only home to undergrads and their professors, but the large forest areas are home to many wild animals. From time to time, they like to drop in to say hi.

The latest visitor to the campus was a wild long-tailed macaque, which you can see in the video below:

The monkey appears to be sitting on a table near the McDonald's, located at the campus's North Spine Plaza. It nibbles at something in its paws, surrounded by curious onlookers.

Although monkeys are commonly depicted as friendly creatures, they can also turn aggressive when approached or if they feel threatened — depending on how acclimatised to humans they are.

NTU included this reminder and some tips in its Facebook post:

"Going bananas: A monkey ? lost its way at North Spine Plaza this morning. With some help, it’s making its way home ?.

If you ever meet one on our green campus, here are some tips on what to do:

1. Stop what you are doing and remain calm.

2. Do not make sudden movements or have direct eye contact with the monkey.

3. Look away and back off slowly. Do not turn or run away from the monkey or hit it.

4. Keep away from the area until the monkey has left.

Please contact #NTUsg Campus Security at 6790 5200 (24-hour) or ACRES Wildlife Rescue at 9783 7782 if you need help."


Something else they left out that's really important — try to ensure there is no food or plastic bags that are visible and in your possession, because macaques will identify these as food sources and try to take them from you.


Call of the wild

Monkeys are not the only animals who have wandered the university's halls.

In the past, NTU students have seen pangolins;

Photo via ACRES.

Wild boars;

And even an epic battle between a python and a cobra:


Remember that these wild animals are often scared and probably would vastly prefer to find their way back to their forest homes. If one interrupts your study session, don't panic, and please call ACRES Wildlife Rescue at 9783 7782 instead.

Related stories:

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Top screenshot from NTU SG's Facebook page.