Toyota Camry drove slowly against traffic along Bukit Timah Road in the rain

A slow, potentially fatal drive.

Belmont Lay | July 06, 2017, 03:04 PM

In what could have been considered a romantic drive if the vehicle was actually going in the right direction, a black Toyota Camry was caught on video going against traffic in the opposite direction in a slow and stupid fashion:

[video width="750" height="410" mp4=""][/video]

The vehicles going in the correct direction in the right-most lane had to do their utmost not to collide head-on with the Toyota in visibly poor weather conditions.

The appropriate thing to do in such situations is to stop completely away from a bend in the road, preferably by the left-hand side of the road or along the road shoulder with hazard lights on, as a warning to oncoming traffic.

Driving against the regular flow of traffic has been seen more often in Singapore as of late, partly due to the advent of dashboard camera technology more widely available to record such events.

Driving against traffic has led to fatal consequences.

Anyone with information on such incidents can file a report with the police at any Neighbourhood Police Centre/ Post (NPC/NPP) or online via the ‘E-FEEDBACK ON ROAD USERS’ portal.

Traffic violations can also be reported via the I-Witness portal.

Original videos of traffic violations recorded using in-vehicle cameras can also be submitted as evidence.

All information will be kept strictly confidential.

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