NParks says sorry for "inappropriate language", counsels staff who sent email insulting feedback giver

Guess that's a euphemism for 'email stupidity'.

Guan Zhen Tan | July 19, 2017, 04:13 PM

On Tuesday, we told you about jogger Dixon Liw, who was slammed by a member of National Parks Board (NParks)'s staff in an email after he wrote to them giving feedback on a damaged drain.

How he found out about it: by being CC-ed in that same email. We know, right.

So on Wednesday, NParks responded to the story in a statement shared with Mothership. In it, deputy chief executive officer Leong Chee Chiew said they have apologised to Liw, and also "counselled" the staff member responsible for the slip-up:

The National Parks Board (NParks) is aware of this incident, and has contacted Mr Dixon Liw to apologise for our staff’s inappropriate language. We have also counselled the staff involved regarding his attitude towards the feedback provider. NParks recognises that feedback from the public helps us to manage our green spaces better, and we appreciate the effort Mr Liw took to alert us to the damaged drain gratings. NParks will be repairing the drain gratings along Ubi Avenue 1 by tomorrow (Wednesday).

Dr Leong Chee Chiew

Deputy Chief Executive Officer

National Parks Board

The incident came to light after Liw took to Facebook on Jul. 17 to share the response he inadvertently received from the NParks staff, whom we're pretty sure didn't intend to include him as one of its recipients.

The email he received came after Liw sent feedback over drain gratings along his jogging route, which he noticed might have been damaged by tree pruning activities.

Liw was then CC-ed in an email and referred to by an NParks manager as someone who was "out to find trouble with NParks".

Photo via Dixon Liw's Facebook post

We don't know if Liw has accepted NParks's apology, but we're sure that at the very least, his usual jogging route will be free of damaged drain covers for now.

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Top image adapted via Dixon Liw's Facebook post and NParks website