Toyota driver finds ingenious use for void deck: parking

Have space, will park.

Joshua Lee | April 11, 2017, 04:26 PM

The Singapore Void Deck. A wonderful Singaporean icon with so many uses — weddings, wakes, impromptu guitar performances, just to name a few.

Today, we found another use for it.

Facebook user Afyque Salleh posted this photo in Parking Idiots Singapore, a Facebook group:

If you can't see the embedded photo, we reproduce it below:

Image via Facebook.

According to Salleh, this Toyota was found at the void deck of Block 540 Bukit Batok Street 52, even though there were empty spaces available at the nearby open-air carpark.

Now, of course, this isn't the first time a vehicle was found in a void deck. Previously, a taxi gave his all into attempting a movie-style stunt by flying almost all the way through the first floor walkway of a HDB block in Jurong.

Of course we can't blame the Toyota driver — after all, there are no signs that state explicitly that one cannot park one's car at the void deck. Perhaps the driver thought of it as an extension of the carpark right next to it. Maybe he wanted to protect his car from bird droppings.

Whatever the reason, we did up a sign to help HDB with educating this blissfully ignorant driver:

Image adapted via.

Because some people really don't know any better.


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