Yudhishthra Nathan & Loh Pei Ying, former Raeesah Khan assistants, resign from Workers' Party

The pair said they have stepped away from the party since December 2021.

Fiona Tan | November 09, 2022, 03:34 PM

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Yudhishthra Nathan and Loh Pei Ying, members of the Workers' Party (WP) who were involved in the Raeesah Khan investigation, have tendered their resignations to the WP Secretary-General, Pritam Singh.

Resigned as members of WP

Loh was Raeesah Khan's secretarial assistant and Nathan also assisted Khan.

Khan resigned from WP, and consequently, her position as a Member of Parliament (MP) for Sengkang on Nov. 30, 2021.

The pair testified before Parliament's Committee of Privileges during the Khan saga in 2021.

Khan admitted to lying while giving an anecdote in Parliament, but claimed that Singh, the Leader of the Opposition, was allegedly complicit in the lie as he had told her to "take the information to the grave".

Joint Facebook post

In a joint Facebook post announcing their resignations on Nov. 9, Nathan and Loh said they have stopped volunteering for and contributing towards WP's wards and efforts since December 2021, adding that the pair were only "members in name".

"For this reason, we’ve decided to resign," said the pair, who added that the past 11 months were not easy for them, and it has now come to a point for them to move on from being members of WP.

"We want to return to being regular citizens, free to express ourselves as individuals, without others questioning our loyalties and allegiances."

Members of WP for nine years or more

The pair have been with WP for the past nine years or so, both becoming cadres in 2016.

Loh was Khan's secretarial assistant from July 2020 until the latter resigned in November 2021.

"In these years, we’ve loved the party dearly, and contributed actively in many teams and departments, both grassroots and strategic.

We hold our memories of our time in the Workers’ Party with fondness. We’ve made lifelong friends in each other, and with others along the way. There are many good people in the rank and file of the Workers’ Party who’ve dedicated their lives towards building a better Singapore. We hope they remember to keep the welfare of Singaporeans at the centre of all that they do."

Mothership has reached out to WP for comment.

You can read their Facebook posts below:


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