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A man in China has been arrested after running over his girlfriend multiple times with his car.
The incident happened in Tangshan, Hebei -- the same city where a woman was brutally assaulted by a group of men in June.
What happened
According to local police, they received a report on Aug. 2 at 11:53am about a man knocking a woman down with his car in the vicinity of a swimming pool.
Officers were dispatched to the scene and initial investigations revealed that the man did so after having a disagreement with the woman.
The woman, who was only identified by her surname Wang, was conveyed to hospital but succumbed to her injuries.
The man fled the scene, but was arrested on the same day at about 3pm.
The car appeared to be a Jeep sports utility vehicle.
Investigations are ongoing.
Apple Daily reported that the man and woman were in a relationship.
Ran over her multiple times
A video circulating on social media, shot from a distance, showed the car running over the woman multiple times, after she was dragged away by people, in an apparent attempt to get her out of further harm's way.
The car was seen making a turn to run the woman over when she was already lying on the ground, and the people helping her had to get out of the way.
The car even appeared to ram a car in its way to get to the woman.
The car then made two more rounds to run the woman over further.
Another video showed the car already over the woman and its back tire moving forward, before the video was cut off.
Top photos via Apple Daily
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