Police identify 2 youths, aged 17, in FairPrice supermarket sipping drinks & putting them back

They are both 17.

Belmont Lay | February 12, 2020, 06:40 PM

The police have identified two youths involved in a video filmed in an NTUC FairPrice outlet that showed one of them drinking from two drinks taken off the shelf only to put them back.

Preliminary investigations indicated the youths, both aged 17, filmed the video out of mischief, the police said on Feb. 12.

The police also revealed that they intended the stunt as a joke to be shared among a closed group of their friends.

They later purchased the drinks.

The youths have apologised for their actions and said they paid for the drinks eventually.

The video had the words “How to spread Wuhan” appearing on screen.

The police sought information on the duo just two days before identifying them.

This was after the video was re-posted on Twitter that day.

One of the youths had uploaded the video to his private Instagram account, the police said.

The police added: “However, an acquaintance recorded a copy of the video and circulated it online. This caused public alarm and concern.”

The police also said they will not tolerate any actions that stoke undue public alarm, especially during this period of heightened sensitivity.

Police investigations are ongoing.