FairPrice: Message claiming face masks at Unity Pharmacy selling at specific timings is fake news

Demand too high.

Ashley Tan | January 29, 2020, 12:06 PM

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Face masks have been selling like hotcakes islandwide, as many scramble to protect themselves, and others, from the spread of the novel coronavirus.

Message claiming masks only available in two batches per day

With demand as high as it is, messages touting false information about the availability of masks are not unexpected.

FairPrice recently took to Facebook to debunk one particular message that had been circulating on social media.

The message, written in Chinese, claims that masks were only being sold at Unity Pharmacy at specific times of the day.

The first batch of masks would be sold from 10am to 11am, and the second batch from 1pm to 3pm.

It also claimed that each person was allowed to buy one packet of masks, costing S$2.30, containing 10 masks each.

The message also urged people to time their shopping to coincide with these periods where masks were available.

Here's a translation of the message:

"Singapore islandwide Unity starts selling face masks from 10am to 11am, and second batch comes in the afternoon from 1pm to 3pm. One pack has 10 pieces of face masks, each person is limited to 10 pieces at S$2.30 per pack. If you need, you can get ready to purchase at these timings. Buy what you need only, do not hoard. The stocks will be replenished."


FairPrice subsequently cleared the air by clarifying that the message of masks being made available at specific timings of the day is false.

They also appealed to the public not to disseminate the rumour, adding that the "mischievous post has caused unnecessary confusion and disruption" at their stores.

FairPrice also admitted that due to the exceptionally high demand for masks, they might not be able to replenish the masks as expeditiously.

However, they would work with their suppliers to bring in more stocks for the masks.


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Quota on masks and hand sanitisers at FairPrice

NTUC FairPrice has also imposed a quota on the number of items customers can purchase so as to keep the prices "steady" and "curb profiteering".

In a previous Facebook post, they stated that customers could only purchase up to 10 pieces of face masks (either surgical or N95), two units of hand sanitisers and two units of thermometers and thermometer probe covers.

NTUC FairPrice has urged customers to avoid hoarding masks so as not to "deprive others who need them as well".

Masks should only be worn by those who are sick. Surgical masks can help reduce the spread of the virus by preventing the wearer's saliva and respiratory secretions from being exposed to others, according to the Ministry of Health.

Meanwhile, N95 masks are discouraged as they make it harder for the wearer to breathe when worn correctly.

Here's a statement by FairPrice spokesperson in response to Mothership's query:

"Due to the recent surge in demand for face masks, hand sanitisers and thermometers, we have limited the purchase of these items at Unity Pharmacy and FairPrice outlets to ensure more households are able to obtain them.

Each customer may purchase up to 10 pieces of face masks (surgical or N95), 2 units of hand sanitisers, 2 units of thermometers and 2 packs of thermometer probe covers, subject to availability.

We seek customers’ understanding that despite our best efforts to replenish our stocks, the exceptionally high demand for these items may exceed the ability to replace them expeditiously. Nonetheless, we will continue to work with suppliers to bring in more stock for these items. We urge customers to be patient and also not to hoard these items as doing so will deprive others who need them as well.

We will continue to keep the prices of face masks, hand sanitisers and thermometers steady and make them affordable in our commitment to curb profiteering."

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Top photo from NTUC FairPrice / FB and Google Maps


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