Thai students can no longer wear 'sexy' school uniforms as new law makes it illegal

Not sure how it will be enforced for males.

Tanya Ong | September 06, 2019, 03:54 PM

The Thai Education Ministry has made it illegal for Thai students to dress "obscenely", according to a recent amendment to the Child Protection Act.

Seems to target mostly female students

Currently, Thai schools have dress code regulations, but these have not been strictly enforced.

Under the amendment, Thai Examiner reported that school uniforms must not be "obscene".

The amendment also specifies that students should also not engage in "inappropriate" and "sexually suggestive behaviour".

What exactly constitutes "obscene" school uniforms was not laid out.

Under the new amendment, it is understood that miniskirts and tight blouses would possibly violate dress code boundaries.

It is also unclear how these standards would be applied to male school uniforms.

Pattaya One reported that there are no specific penalties laid out for wearing short uniform skirts.

However, parents or guardians who "induce, encourage, assist or support students who break regulations" may be fined up to THB30,000 (S$1355) and/ or jailed for three months.

Tightening control on students

Apart from setting guidelines on school uniforms, the regulation also prohibits students from causing a commotion outside of schools and dormitories, especially if the activity may pose danger to others.

Thai Examiner reported that this amendment comes following several incidents of inter-school rivalry and violence, and is seen as an attempt to tighten control on the behaviour of students in Thai schools.

This is the first time that regulations relating to school behaviour have been updated since 2005.

Also from the land of smiles:

Top photo via IG/, viaChula ISE


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