2 Merdeka generation uncles argue at coffee shop, beer bottle thrown

One man used dodge, it was super effective.

Ashley Tan | September 06, 2019, 10:58 AM

Coffee shop, beer and Merdeka generation always go hand-in-hand like Merdeka generation and nation-building efforts.

A video put up on Facebook on Sept. 5, 2019, showed a coffee shop altercation. Some speculate that it might have occurred near  Woodlands Industrial Park.

Argument with beer bottles

The argument between two middle-aged men involved one of them eventually hurling a beer bottle at the other, while a server tried to intervene.

One man was brandishing an empty beer bottle, while both of them were engaged in a shouting match while standing a few metres apart.

The man in blue appeared to ask in Hokkien for the other man to walk away, using the bottle in his hand to point elsewhere.

The person behind the camera can be heard saying he was filming because "police need evidence".

Beer promoter intervenes

In a rather bold move, the coffee shop's beer promoter then situated herself between the two men, attempting to mediate.

She appeared to push back the man clad in a striped shirt, which ended up with her being partially used as a human shield.

Meanwhile, other visitors to the coffee shop remained seated at their tables, watching the squabble unfold.

The man in blue proceeded to use a series of well-known Hokkien swear words to curse the other man's mother.

Clearly triggered, the man in the striped shirt grabbed a beer bottle from the nearest table and flung it at the other man, as the beer promoter screamed.

The man being assailed dodged the bottle, which smashed to the ground.

The video then ended as abruptly as it began.

Top photo from Legit Singapore/ FB


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