M'sian Minister: Flying car not for sale to the public, but Grab interested to use it for taxi services

Roads? Where we're going, we don't need roads.

Sulaiman Daud | March 03, 2019, 10:32 PM

Bad news, auto aviation fans.

When Malaysia does develop its flying car prototype, you won't be able to buy it. Because it will not be sold to the general public.

For corporate use, not commercial sale

Malaysian Minister for Entrepreneur Development Mohd Redzuan Md Yusof has announced that commercial sale to the public was not the goal of the flying car project.

Speaking on March 2 at the Durian Tunggal Entrepreneur Carnival, Redzuan added that other companies, including international ones, were interested in the project.

According to state news agency Bernama, this included Grab, the private-hire service.

Said Redzuan, "Currently, there are many parties showing interest in the development of the flying car, including Grab, which is proposing to use the car for taxi services."

Attract investment, create jobs

Previously, Redzuan said that the development of the flying car was meant to attract investment in Malaysia's private sector, and create more jobs for the public.

It looks like those of us who dreamed of soaring through the air in our very own Malaysian car will have to wait just a bit longer.

But maybe we can do so by hailing a ride in a flying Grab taxi.

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Top image adapted from Md Redzuan's Facebook page and Movie Clips' YouTube Channel.