More wet weather in S'pore in first half of Nov. 2018

Cos nothing lasts forever, even cold November rain.

Belmont Lay | November 01, 2018, 10:30 PM

Singapore is going to be wet for the first half of November 2018, the Meteorological Service Singapore (MSS) said on Thursday, Nov. 1.

The first two weeks of November are expected to be wetter than the last two weeks of October.

On seven to nine days during this period, moderate to heavy thunderstorms will fall on Singapore, brought about by light winds coupled with "strong solar heating of land areas" during the day.

These are mainly expected in the afternoon and may extend into the evening on a few days.

Frequent lightning activity can also be expected.

Going to be cool

Minimum temperatures will fall between 22°C and 24°C on days with widespread rainfall.

Daily temperatures are expected to range between 24°C and 33°C on most days.

November's forecast is a continuation of the second half of October, when thunderstorms fell on most days.

The highest daily total rainfall recorded in October was 109.8mm at Sentosa.

Rainfall for the month was "well above average" over many parts of the island.


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I want my life back.

Earn some karma points here. Say real one.

? vs ?
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