Deng Xiaoping's son says China should "know its place", not be "overbearing" & work towards peace

His remarks are reminiscent of his father's dictum on China's foreign policy.

Kayla Wong | November 01, 2018, 05:42 PM

Deng Xiaoping's first son, Deng Pufang, said China should "know [its] own place", work towards the "direction of peace", not be "overbearing" and focus on its own issues first, according to South China Morning Post (SCMP).

He made the comments on September 16 during a speech at the closing ceremony of the China Disabled Persons' Federation's (CDPF) five-yearly national congress meeting where he was re-elected as the honorary chair of the semi-official organisation.

Neither be "overbearing" nor "belittle" themselves

In his speech, he said:

"We must seek truth from fact, keep a sober mind and know our own place.

We should neither be overbearing or belittle ourselves."

He also suggested China should take care of what was happening at home for now instead of pursuing a provocative foreign policy:

"International uncertainties are on a rise. We should stick to the direction of peace and development, and try to earn a cooperative and win-win international environment.

The most important thing at the moment is to properly address China's own issues."

Deng has been wheelchair-bound since 1968 when he got injured after getting caught by the Red Guards during the Cultural Revolution.

According to The New York Times, his father had been branded as the country's "No. 2 Capitalist Roader" and he was tortured to give evidence against the older Deng.

Like father, like son

Deng's speech was made in the same year as the 40th anniversary of his father's 'reform and opening-up' policy, which was started in December 1978.

His comments were reminiscent of his father's well-known stance on China's foreign policy:

Avoid the limelight, do not take the lead, have some accomplishments

(韬光养晦不当头有所作为 taoguang yanghui, bu dang tou, yousuo zuowei)

This strategy to "keep a low profile" lasted from the 1980s through to the 2000s.

This approach was arguably disrupted when Xi Jinping took office and started adopting a more assertive foreign policy stance, such as deploying troops and military bases overseas for the first time since the 1950s.

Xi has also vowed to lead the country towards "great rejuvenation", and promised that China would "ride the mighty east wind of the new era" and "charge forward with a full tank".

While Xi and the other six members of the Standing Committee of the Politburo attended the CDPF opening ceremony held two days before Deng's made his speech, they were not present during Deng's speech.

Not there to criticise Xi

However, it is worth noting that Deng started his speech by commending Xi.

Dali Yang, an expert on Chinese politics who is based in the University of Chicago told SCMP that this shows that Deng was "not there publicly to criticise Xi".

Deng's speech comes at a time when Beijing's commitment to reforms was being questioned.

On Oct. 10, U.S. Vice-President Mike Pence said "while Beijing still pays lip service to 'reform and opening', Deng Xiaoping’s famous policy now rings hollow." 

Shortly after, on Oct. 18, Xi said "China's open door will not be closed, it will only be opened wider".  

However, according to Reuters, critics say Xi prioritises a state-centred approach to economic policy and stability, rather than market liberalisation.

They also said that much-needed reforms, such as overhauling China's debt-ridden state sector, are not moving fast enough under him.

Top image via Baidu Baike


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