Youth who threw ofo bike comes back for round 2, throws an oBike off Lorong Halus Bridge

Back at it again.

Nyi Nyi Thet | July 17, 2018, 05:00 PM

Update: Boy, 16 assisting in police investigations.

You might have missed out on the story of the youth who threw an ofo rental bicycle off the Lorong Halus Bridge.

Here it is.

And here is that video:

[video width="720" height="1280" mp4=""][/video]

Notice that the boy in question is wearing an orange shirt.


Back at it again

Now, another boy who looks exceptionally like the orange-shirt boy is back for more destruction.

In a video with the title "Round 2", the youth is back and with better lighting, dumping yet another bike — this time it's an oBike — off the exact same location:

[video width="302" height="640" mp4=""][/video]

One interesting note from this higher-res video —

E-scooter spotting!

This guy must really hate bikes.

Top image: screenshot from Twitter