Facebook post calling out people whining about new SAF hybrid uniforms goes viral

Damned if you do.

Jonathan Lim | June 21, 2018, 06:46 PM

The Ministry of Defence (MINDEF) on Jun 20 shared images of a new hybrid uniform that is a combination of the traditional pixelised No. 4 uniform and a green fabric:

Here's a picture in case you can't see the Facebook post or are too lazy to click to the MINDEF page:

Photo via MINDEF website

The fabric occupies the torso of the uniform and is said to be "40 per cent more permeable, and 60 per cent more effective in drying compared to the current No. 4 uniform". It is meant to be worn under the Load Bearing Vest (not pictured).

MINDEF said it has started equipping soldiers in combat units with the new uniform since January this year.

Netizens unhappy with new uniform

Comments ranged from how soldiers now have it too good, how MINDEF was slow to adopt the hybrid uniform, to how unfashionable the uniforms are:


"Singaporeans can be f*cking ugly"

In a Facebook post sharing how such hybrid uniforms are already used by armed forces around the world, one Daniel Ong also called out Singaporeans who were "up in arms" when a Guardsman passed away due to heat exhaustion, but, without hesitance, shot down the new hybrid uniform — which is supposed to help disperse heat.

He goes on to say, "When the government does nothing, you complain. When they do something right, here you are complaining also, so what then? What would you have done?"

His post has since garnered over 1,500 shares on Facebook with people largely echoing his sentiment.

Here's his full post:

In case you can't read what he wrote:

Top image adapted from Mindef