Straits Times Facebook comments now have its own meme page

Straits Times Facebook comments section is the gift that keeps giving.

Belmont Lay | October 19, 2017, 12:25 PM

The Straits Times forum page is a treasure trove of half-past-six letters written by overeager Singaporeans.

Here are some of the resulting letters that encapsulate what the forum page is about -- people who actually took the time to pound out a missive on a word processor and sending it over without thinking it through first:

You get the point.

Straits Times Facebook comments are another level

However, to take things to another level altogether are Straits Times Facebook comments.

They are about 500 percent less thought out than forum letters as they are quick-fire responses that come straight from the visceral parts of the human psyche -- unedited, unfiltered and uninhibited by any sense of decency.

To shine a light on these cancer-inducing replies left on Straits Times Facebook posts of articles, a meme page titled The Straits Times Comments Section has sprouted up on Facebook:

It is dedicated to highlighting the real turds of turds.

Which are actually gems.

These include ones such as these:






Please like the Facebook page. The first post appeared on Oct. 1, 2017. Since then, never a dull moment.

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