Stickies Bar owner who called customer a b*tch releases CCTV footage

This will put an end to things hopefully.

Mandy How | July 05, 2017, 04:26 PM

Recap: A customer, Fawn Chia, left a one-star review on the Stickies Bar's Facebook page, along with a complaint about being rudely chased away before closing time.

In response, the bar's CEO, Norman Then, called her a b*tch, named and shamed her on the establishment's Facebook page, then sent her a scathing personal message.

For the full version of events, click here and here.

Footage released

In the latest turn of events, Then has released CCTV footage of the night to Stomp.

You can watch the video here:

In an interview with Stomp, Then remained consistent in his version of events, stating that he would "react similarly" if given the same opportunity, but with more tact:

"I stand by my actions and I accept whatever it is may come. I won’t apologise for believing in my staff and for standing up for their rights and to give them a voice."

However, the CCTV footage does not reveal much, standing in stark contrast to the original accounts of that evening given by Chia and Then and the dramatic fashion this incident has played out so far.

Since the release of the CCTV footage, many have criticised Chia for her inconsistent account of the night's events, in particular, the part where she claimed initially that no other customers were told to leave:

In response to queries, Chia said none of the other staff were speaking to two other tables, one of which was out of the CCTV's sight, when her group was told to leave immediately.

Instead, the staff were talking among themselves.

She said it was only when she pointed that out to the security guard that he got his colleagues to speak to the other tables.

Chia also said that it was never her intention for the matter to blow up and hopes that it can be put to rest.

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