New Snapchat map will show you if your friends are going out without you

Expose skiving employees, cheating partners, and lying friends.

Mandy How | June 29, 2017, 04:13 PM

Even if you have migrated to Insta stories, a new snapchat feature that updates your friends' locations (and, well, your own) in real time might just make you re-open the app out of curiosity.

Users appear as a bitmoji (or if you haven't got one, a silhouette), on a world map, which you can freely zoom in and out of.

Besides tracking other users, this feature also allows you to view snaps of news and events happening around the world.

To access it, simply pinch the screen (like you would do if you were zooming out on something) on your stories page.

It should lead to this:

Yeap. That's me residing in the North-East corner of Singapore, with a conspicuous lack of friends on my map.

To mitigate this invasive horror, here are some points to note:

1. Your location is only shared when you open the app. It also expires after a few hours, and does not refresh automatically in the background.

2. You can select friends you want to share your location with or go into ghost mode, where no one will be able to see your location. You will still be able to see your friends' location (not fair, tsk).

This is bad news for:

1. Skiving employees who chao geng-ed their MCs

2. Cheaters who have a penchant for mindlessly scrolling through their social media feeds

3. Perpetual latecomers who shamelessly lie about their location

On the other hand, this is good news for:

1. People who need to track their lost phones (although this will also require a certain amount of fortuity, which would already be needed to get your phone back, so this point is kinda moot. Eh).

2. People who want to expose their skiving employees, cheating partners, and lying friends.

For more information, hop on over to the Snapchat Support page.

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