River Valley childcare centre makes statement denying abuse allegations

It provided explanations to the viral photographs.

Jonathan Lim | February 22, 2017, 03:25 PM

Update on Feb 23, 10.20am: ECDA has cleared the childcare centre of abuse allegations. More details here.

Sam’s Early Learning Centre, the childcare centre in River Valley accused of abusive practices has released a statement (Feb 22) denying the allegations of abuse.

The allegations surfaced when photographs and a social media post were shared on WeChat on Feb 14. Photographs showed children lying down on the floor without mattresses, another showed a child inside a cot with faeces smeared on the child's body. The post also accused the centre of giving rotten fruit to the children and throwing away milk powder meant for children.

When Channel 8 News reached out to the childcare centre last week, it declined to comment as it said investigations were ongoing.

According to Channel 8 News, the centre's statement said it believed the photographs were taken last year by a disgruntled ex-employee who has since returned to China.

The centre's latest statement refuted allegations made by the post.

Accusation: Rotten fruit being given to the children

The Centre: Fruits are bought twice a week and if any part of the fruit goes bad overnight, it would be cut out and thrown away. If the entire fruit was bad, it would be disposed.

Accusation: Children left lying on the floor

The Centre: The picture showing children lying on the floor was of them doing stretching and breathing exercises after lunch.

Accusation: A photograph showing milk powder being thrown into the rubbish

The Centre: This was because the milk powder was spilt onto the kitchen counter and thrown away for hygiene reasons.

Accusation: A photograph of a child covered in faeces sleeping in a cot.

The Centre: The child had the habit of removing his diapers after passing motion during his afternoon naps. On the day the photograph was taken, a teacher had alerted the cleaner to help clean up. The teacher held the child and distracted the child while the cleaner washed the child. The child has since returned to his home country with his family.

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