IDA apologises to the guy they are replacing in job ad

Sorry Kenneth.

Martino Tan | June 17, 2016, 05:55 PM

Hi Kenneth, the Infocomm Development Authority of Singapore (IDA) is sorry.

IDA_background Source: IDA Facebook

After reading IDA's explanation, we are still confused whether IDA is apologising to the employee for 1) not renewing his contract; or for 2) making him famous on a Friday afternoon.

However, we now know that Kenneth is not an urban legend and that the IDA HR staff officer has made a mistake.

What happened last night

Last night, IDA published their job ads on two different job portals to find a replacement for an IT project manager.

However, both ads were subsequently removed from and JobsDB minutes after it got highlighted in various forums (here and here).

And we thank IDA for sharing our article as a background to their apology.

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