50 pieces of sound advice for all 20-somethings

Coming from a guy who has lived through his 20s.

Alden Tan| December 31, 08:53 AM

Being a 20-something here can be pretty challenging. Confusing even.

Yet, it's probably one of the best times in your life as you enter university, graduate, make tons of new friends, get your first job and maybe even start a family.

It sounds like a lot, but that's how it is in your 20s, a lot.


Here's 50 pieces of sound advice for all 20-somethings:


1) Shit happens. I'm going to start really strong here, but yeah shit happens.

I've had seen family and friends alike pass on from terminal diseases. It happened really quick.

You may think things like these don't happen when you were young, but it's very real. It can happen to anybody.

Don't be too sad when things get taken away unexpectedly, or too surprised when things come to you for no reason. Just be glad you have the experience of actually having it.


2) People change. Don't be surprised when some of your friends act differently and become less-than-friendly towards you.

Don't bother wondering why. The best thing you can do is to simply let them make their own mistakes and keep a healthy distance. I've personally fallen out with a handful of friends in the last few years. It's not a big deal since I don't look back.


3) Stand up for yourself, I mean why shouldn't you? You're gonna let that annoying friend or abusive boss walk all over you your whole life?


4) Don't be afraid to fall in love. Give yourself the chance. You only deserve the best. Don't let a bad experience prevent you from taking in what could be the best thing in your life.


5) Conversely, don't be afraid to break away from unhealthy relationships. If you know deep down there's just no love for your partner anymore, end it. There's no point burdening yourself, plus it's not fair to string someone else along.


6) Partying gets old. TGIF, happy hour and the whole binge drinking shebang gets dull over time. There're a tonne of other activities to indulge in. Go find one.


7) Unless you're absolutely sure you want to marry him or her, be single. Because you're going to meet a ton of people, especially after university. Hence, temptation is inevitable.

It's okay to play the field. It's not okay to cheat on your partner.


8) People do cheat in their relationships. And sadly, it's pretty damn common. Don't be one of them. Read the above again.


9) You and your friends will have less time for each other. Because we're all growing up. Don't be sad. It's just how it is. Prioritise your time properly and put in the effort to meet them from time to time. It's all good.


10) Don't judge. Cause it's a waste of time and you're not perfect either. Just focus on your own life and be more awesome.


11) Exercise. Sounds like a no-brainer? Not really, especially when you allow "legitimate" reasons like work and family to get in the way.

Take some time off to exercise always. Get fit. It's great for your mental well-being too. Healthy body, healthy mind yo.


12) A car is a liability.


13) Credit cards have awesome benefits. Do your research.


14) But you need to have restrain and not buy everything on credit. Otherwise all credit cards are going to feel like a liability. You don't want to be living in debt.


15) Attending weddings can be an expensive chore. Don't bother going out of courtesy. Go only if you mean it.


16) Get fitted for a suit. You never know when you're going to need it.


17) You don't need to have so many friends. I mean, what are you trying to be? The prom queen? Stick to your few, closest friends. That's good enough.


18) Stave off social media. You don't need to quit cold turkey, but put in the effort to not log on for the better part of the day. You'll be surprised with what you can learn about your surroundings and in turn yourself when you're more focused.


19) LIKES shouldn't be your life's validation. Log off, get out there, meet people and make some genuine connections with others. Let them appreciate the real you.


20) Travel as much as you can. That's how you see the sights of the world and meet others of different cultures. That's opening up to life on the next level.


21) Show up. Don't underestimate the power of showing up. It will do wonders on your credibility and character.


22) Be on time. It isn't just about being punctual, it's about how much you respect others and yourself. If you don't respect time, forget about any kind of respect for yourself.

It boggles my mind to why being late is acceptable by a lot of people today. Don't be one of them.


23) Surround yourself with positive people. That's how you can become positive. Hanging out with a bunch of douchebags and negative people does things to your soul man.

Remember, you're the average of the five people you spend your time with.


24) Age is just a number. Don't feel old just because birthdays are going by. Just treat life as much as you want it. It'd be good if you meet a bunch of people your age and doing what they love.


25) Read. Read a ton of books. Read meaningful, long-form articles online. Gain knowledge. This is an effective, sure-fire way to boost your confidence.


26) Try out a sales job before you shit on it. They i.e. insurance or MLM may have a bad rep by the masses, but they're still legitimate jobs which emphasise hard work and determination.

Try it out. You may be good at it.


27) Your "cool" boss may be full of shit. Oh okay. Your cool (and young) boss seems to be so full of life and what's that? He sees potential in you and wants to groom you to be a business PARTNER?!

Thread lightly. He or she could be full of it. That's what all bosses say to hype you up.


28) For the budding entrepreneur, your super cool idea isn't enough. I know, I know, you got an awesome, groundbreaking idea that's going to change the world. But that doesn't mean people will buy it.

Learn what constitutes demand. Research pain points and create a product to solve that problem instead.


29) Break a rule or two in your life. Take some risks yo!


30) Create your own opinion and stand by it. Don't let a jarring headline or some column sway you. If you feel strongly about something, stand by it.

Don't be a sheep.


31) Always reignite the flame in your relationship. Do something fun. Go out. Fall in love all over again. Don't end up like those couples who stay in to watch movies only.


32) Celebrate all your birthdays, especially when you're still young. It is after all, your birthday. It's your day and you can do whatever you want.

Insisting that it's just another day is well, a complete downer. If you don't care for it, who the hell would?


33) Use a condom.


34) It's not cool to be drunk. It's actually annoying, especially to those around you. Your friends are just too polite to tell you.

If you know you get drunk easily, then control your drinking. Or don't drink at all.


35) Stop caring about what others think. Because what others say or think are completely inaccurate judgement of who you are.


36) Don't use buzzwords or "buzz phrases" in a job interview. Think about it: How ridiculous does it sound like when you say shit like, "My only weakness is that I'm too hardworking"?

Be honest. Be genuine. Display your knowledge of the job, but in a non-douchey way. It'll be all good.


37) Be kind towards customer service staff. This is a true indicator of being a genuinely nice person. If you're only nice to your friends but not to others, here's a newsflash: You're an asshole.


38) For the love of god, just TRY. Don't second guess yourself. Stop holding back. Try. When you try, you won and made that first step to awesomeness.


39) Take up meditation. This is a real game changer. Give it a try.

Hint: It's not some hocus-pocus, mumbo-jumbo "magical" BS. It's legit. Give it a try.


40) Take up a plan. Insurance yo. Even if you don't believe in getting a "warranty" for your life, at least take it up as a form of disciplined savings. You'll thank your lucky stars, and this post in the future.


41) Don't find love. Keep doing what you love, and love will find you.


42) Have fun and take your time in school. It's also just a phase. When you start work, you've got a long way to go.


43) Keep your grades in school. No one wants to hear about them outside. Besides, they don't matter anymore when you start work.


44) Violence is for losers. Don't ever get into a fight. Keep your cool. Just walk away. You win that way.


45) Breakups hurt, but you'll be fine. It's not the end of the world. Give yourself a little a time. Then give yourself the chance to go meet other people. You'll gain a better life for sure.


46) "Bro" is overrated. Sorry guys, we all got to grow up eventually. You can't "bro" your way through everything and expect everything to be cool.


47) For guys still serving their NS, don't worry, it will be over soon. It's just a shitty phase we all have to go through.

Pretty soon you'd be looking back and thinking like it wasn't a big deal. Just suck it up. We all feel your pain.


48) Get in a long distance relationship. It's not as bad as it sounds. Don't miss out on something great just because of distance.


49) Be an early riser. Cause like, mornings are awesome. Don't sleep all day.


50) Stop reading lists like this. Sooner or later, you need to get out there and make your life happen.


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