Ya Hui, 35, leaving Mediacorp after 15 years, says it's time to stop & smell the roses

She says it's time to step out of her comfort zone.

Lee Wei Lin | February 21, 2023, 06:33 PM

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Singapore actress Ya Hui will be bidding farewell to Mediacorp on Feb. 28, 2023. She was with the company for 15 years.

In a Feb. 21 Instagram post, the 35-year-old wrote that her time with the broadcaster hasn't been "a smooth-sailing journey but definitely an incredible one".

Acknowledging the decision to step out of her comfort zone was "not an easy" one, she added that she hopes to "explore new possibilities to grow and challenge [her]self".

Never try, never know

Speaking to Mothership, the actress likened her move to a recent hiking trip in Vietnam which she embarked on with her friends.

Photo from Ya Hui's Instagram

She opined:

"We're always very fearful of trying out something that we've never done. [Before I went on the hike], we thought, 'Sure die one' and 'Later cannot make it, how?'

You know, we have a lot of questions in our heads and I'm so glad that I decided to go ahead with the hike because the scenery was so beautiful. In life, it's the same thing, you see.

If you never have the courage to do something that you wanted to try, you'll never see the other side of the world."

Sharing that she is "pretty excited" to explore other interests apart from acting in dramas -- one of which is possibly theatre -- Ya Hui hopes to try her hand at anything that interests her "without holding back".

Stopping to smell the roses

Calling her showbiz journey thus far an "incredibly meaningful and incredible journey", the actress let on that while she has no concrete plans for what lies ahead, she intends to dedicate more time to herself and her loved ones.

Seeing her friends travel to places such as New Zealand and Switzerland reminded her that these are countries she has yet to visit because her hectic work schedule has never allowed her to.

Photo from Ya Hui's Instagram

"It's good to pause, you know, and take a look at what's around us. I think this is a very important life lesson -- we shouldn't keep working nonstop [because we will] miss out on a lot of things in life, be it fun, love, relationships, or family," Ya Hui mused.

Her parents have also been extremely supportive of her decision, and assured her that she doesn't need to contribute to the family expenses after she leaves Mediacorp as she will not have a fixed monthly salary.

She found it unexpected that they told her, "Just do what makes you happy lah" instead of asking her if she had a backup plan -- the latter of which is a reaction she thinks is common in Asian families.

Photo from Ya Hui's Instagram

Ya Hui rounded up the interview by emphasising, "Life is really short. We don't have time to procrastinate and stop ourselves from doing things that we love. I think it's really important to be courageous at all times."

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Top photos from Ya Hui's Instagram