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Officers from the Immigration & Checkpoints Authority (ICA) thwarted five separate attempts of illegal importation of ivermectin into Singapore from Sep. 10 to Oct. 6, 2021.
Declared as 'healthcare products'
According to a post on ICA's Facebook page on Oct. 19, more than 20,000 tablets of Ivermectin were seized during the operations.
The attempts to smuggle Ivermectin into Singapore via postal parcels were foiled by ICA officers at the Changi Airfreight Centre and Airmail Transit Centre (Air Cargo Command).
The buyers had either declared the Ivermectin as "healthcare products", or failed to declare them.
HSA investigating further
The importation of tablets were not authorised by HSA, and had been detected when the officers noticed anomalies in the scanned images of the parcels.
ICA said it has since referred the cases to the Health Sciences Authority (HSA) for further investigation.
The HSA had previously released an advisory on the use of Ivermectin for Covid-19, and warned individuals against self-medicating with Ivermectin.
In Singapore, Ivermectin is only approved for the treatment of parasitic worm infections.
It added: "HSA takes a serious view against those engaged in the illegal sale and supply of medicines, including ivermectin, and we will take strong enforcement action against such persons. Anyone convicted of the illegal sale of these medicines faces a penalty fine of up to $50,000 and/or imprisonment for a period of up to two years under the Health Products Act."
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