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In the pizza's defence, it had a bumpy ride.

This is, sadly, the only defence we will be making for the bubble tea pizza in this article.
If you're slightly lost, refer to this:

But botched appearance aside, its taste was... not ideal.
Someone in the office was disappointed that the marshmallows were not toasted, but that's quite secondary in the bigger scheme of things.
Which is the fact that nothing. goes. together.
You get sickly sweet brown sugar milk tea sauce on top of a crust (which was still good, we give it that), sticky globs of tapioca, more artificial sweetness from the marshmallows, and a layer of cheesiness underneath everything.

At best, discombobulating.
At worst, it has no place on the table during meal times.
If we didn't know any better, we'd have thought that the R&D team was enjoying themselves at a ski resort at the other end of the world when this item was created.
But if Pizza Hut's goal is not to actually create a palatable new item, but to get everyone talking, that's working out well.
Verdict: Bad enough that you should try it. Still not as bad as McDonald's salted egg yolk fries, though.
Random trendy things on top of dough does not a pizza make. Sorry, Pizza Hut. We still like your classic pizzas (and spicy drumlets).
Top image by Pizza Hut, Mandy How
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