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TraceTogether tokens have been made available for collection in Singapore since Sep. 14, 2020, free of charge.
It is not mandatory to collect the TraceTogether token, but it will be issued to anyone who wants one.
However, in days to come, the TraceTogether token and app to do SafeEntry check-in at certain venues with large groups of people in Singapore will soon be compulsory.
It was previously reported that each TraceTogether token costs S$20 to make.
The government is keen to raise the take-up rate for the TraceTogether token to 70 per cent of the population.
There are currently about 2.5 million people on board the programme, or 45 per cent of the population.
Collection sites
Those who wish to collect their tokens can visit any of the active collection sites to do so even if it is not in your district.
All Singapore residents aged seven and above can collect a token.
Why is the TraceTogether token needed?
The TraceTogether token is a contact-tracing device.
It enables quick tracking of people who have been exposed to confirmed Covid-19 cases.
It complements the existing TraceTogether app.
How does TraceTogether token work?
The TraceTogether token exchanges short-distance Bluetooth signals with nearby tokens or handsets that have the TraceTogether app.
These interactions are logged into the devices.
All logs are encrypted and logs older than 25 days will be automatically erased.
If the user becomes infected with Covid-19, the device will need to be physically handed over to the authorities to extract the data needed for contact tracing.
Collection on behalf of family members
Members of the public can collect tokens on behalf of their family members by producing their identity documents.
Those who wish to check where the TraceTogether tokens will be distributed can go to the TokenGoWhere website for details on collection sites and timings.
Users who require assistance with their tokens can e-mail or call 6973-6511.
The hotline is operational on weekdays, from 9am to 6pm.
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Top photo via Vivian Balakrishnan
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