Granny sews shut IKEA shark plushie's mouth bearing menacing teeth, looks like granny now

From shark to granny.

Belmont Lay | July 19, 2020, 01:39 AM

IKEA shark plushie Blåhaj -- pronounced as "Blaha" -- is a creature that has come to embody existential crisis.

Its look of perpetual woe, despite having a full set of sharp teeth, plus the fact that it is mass-manufactured by a furniture chain store for no other reason than maximising profits, has ensured its entry into the annals of popular culture via memes.

These contrasting features of looking menacing and/or dead inside with mouth agape, probably ultimately did one of this plushie sharks in as it underwent some tender cosmetic surgery.

Mouth sewed shut

An elderly granny in Hong Kong took to sewing its jaws shut to make it look more acquiescent -- and like a granny.

The tweet read: "Granny saw the shark having teeth looking really fierce, stitched them up."

In response, a tweet reply said the shark now looks like a granny too:

In a different life, this would be how the shark plushie would have spent its time: