S’pore kindergarten students leave heartwarming letter & snacks for GrabFood delivery man


Syahindah Ishak | April 06, 2020, 03:14 PM

Although most people are working from home in view of the Covid-19 pandemic, some are not fortunate enough to enjoy that privilege.

They still have to go about their jobs outside to provide essential services to Singaporeans.

Like food delivery riders, for example.

Wrote a letter for food delivery man

To give them some encouragement, a group of Kindergarten 2 students wrote a heartening letter for a GrabFood delivery man.

Photo from muhdhmzn/Twitter.

The letter read:

"Thank you delivery man for delivery food and drinks. Singapore love you. Are you ok delivery man. Have a good day. (sic)"

The note was also accompanied by a chocolate bar and a can of Coke.

Photo from muhdhmzn/Twitter.

The heartwarming incident was uploaded onto Twitter on Apr. 5 by the delivery man.

Here is the full tweet:


Singaporeans react positively

The tweet has since gone viral, attracting over 1,400 retweets as of the time of writing.

Singaporeans were mostly touched by the students' kind and "cute" gesture.





So sweet, indeed.

Top images from muhdhmzn/Twitter.