Circuit breaker: Parents can no longer drop off their kids at family member's place on daily basis

Stricter measures.

Tanya Ong | April 09, 2020, 08:20 PM

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Many questions have emerged on what activities are permissible during the "circuit breaker" measures that officially kicked in in Singapore as of Apr. 7.

In response to media queries, MOH previously clarified on Apr. 7 that individuals can still visit family members for assistance with their daily needs, such as caring for elderly parents or informal childcare arrangements.

During a press conference on Apr. 9, however, Health Minister Gan Kim Yong announced that parents will now no longer be allowed to drop their children off with grandparents on a daily basis.

Must make alternate arrangements

If such a care arrangement is required, parents should leave kids with their grandparents throughout the entire circuit breaker period.

Gan said that they have made childcare services available for essential service workers. For those who have no alternatives, their appeal will be considered case-by-case basis.

But this will only apply to essential services workers with no other alternatives.

Gan explained that these measures are "very painful", but are "necessary" to protect the elderly, who are vulnerable and susceptible to the infection.

Other enhanced measures announced during the press conference include the closing of all stadiums in Singapore.

Previously, stadiums were kept open.

However, given that people would go to exercise in groups, they have decided to close all stadiums.

The authorities will also continue to review the circuit measures that have been put in place.

Top image via Helping Joy on Facebook, for illustration purposes only.