American shoppers join panic buying frenzy amid growing fears over Covid-19

A man even bought more than a year's worth of Spam.

Kayla Wong | March 02, 2020, 12:11 AM

American consumers are starting to panic buy as fears over the spread of Covid-19 grow.

First death from virus reported

The country reported its first death from the virus on Saturday, Feb. 29.

It has also reported a fourth case of the virus of unknown origin.

The first case of Covid-19 in the U.S. was reported on Jan. 21.

There have been 71 reported cases in the country since.

The country is the latest to join in the panic-buying frenzy that developed in countries and territories such as Singapore, Japan, South Korea, Hong Kong, Italy, and New Zealand due to the viral outbreak.

Long, snaking queues at Costco outlets

According to Reuters, the health departments in Hawaii and Minnesota advised their residents to stock up on supplies, with the former advising people to prepare as they did for hurricanes, with a 14-day supply of food, water and other daily necessities.

However, the U.S. Centres for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) also said there was no need for healthy Americans to stockpile any supplies, even as shoppers thronged the shops.

For instance, residents in Hawaii showed up at Costco outlets in crowds to snap up items such as canned goods, bottled water, toilet paper and paper towels.

To ensure there is enough for all, a Costco outlet even placed limits on the number of items shoppers could buy.

Not just Hawaii

Hawaii was not the only state to experience such a phenomenon.

People stocked up on medicine in California.

Shoppers at a supermarket in Virginia cleared the shelves of non-perishables such as pasta.

Image via @GoddessKnowsAll

Social media users posted pictures of the goods they managed to get their hands on, with a Twitter user showing off her spoils online.

A financial analyst in North Texas even prepared a year and a half's worth of Spam, along with bags of rice, large bags of uncooked beans and other non-perishable foodstuffs.

Image via @TheBubbleBubble

Costco outlet ran out of toilet paper for the first time

The hoarding happened in Oregon as well.

Shoppers at a Costco store near Lake Oswego, a city in Oregon, emptied shelves of products such as bottled water, toilet paper, frozen berries and black beans too, according to Associated Press.

A Costco employee had reportedly said: "Toilet paper is golden in an apocalypse."

The panic buying resulted in that particular store running out of toilet paper for the first time in its history.

Trump said threat of Covid-19 was a "hoax"

In response to new cases that emerged from a nursing home in Kirkland, Washington, Washington’s Governor Jay Inslee has declared a state of emergency, The New York Times reported.  

American President Donald Trump, however, has downplayed the viral outbreak in the U.S., saying at a campaign rally in South Carolina that the Democrats are "politicising" the Covid-19, said CNBC.

Top image adapted via @votefordongshen & @TinaBietler