NUS undergrad molester writes letter of apology, said he was 'duly punished by NUS'

He said 'sorry' thrice in his letter.

Julia Yeo | September 28, 2019, 11:11 PM

Terence Siow, an undergraduate from the National University of Singapore (NUS) was sentenced to probation on Wed, Sep. 25, 2019 for repeatedly molesting a woman.

He was reportedly given a light sentence as the judge took into account a probation report that deemed him to have "potential to excel in life" due to his academic results.

On Sep. 27, Law and Home Affairs Minister K Shanmugam expressed surprise at the verdict and stated that the Attorney General's Chambers (AGC) has submitted an appeal against the sentence imposed.

According to a interview by Shinmin Daily News, Siow has written a letter of apology to the victim, and said that "he had made a grave mistake".

He was "deeply remorseful"

According to Shinmin's interview, his first words were about the remorse he felt towards the victim. He said:

"I have made a grave mistake. I am really, really sorry for the pain that I have caused to the victim."

He also added that he has been seeking psychiatric help, and learning from his mistakes.

Wrote letter of apology to victim

According to Shinmin, Siow wrote a letter of apology to the victim. It reads:

"Dear [victim's name],

After the day of the incident, I have done a lot of self reflection. I am deeply remorseful for what I have done that day.

I realised my actions have brought about great distress and discomfort onto you. I am sincerely sorry for touching you without permission that day.

I realised that my actions that day showed an utter lack of respect and basic empathy.

I wasn't the most clear headed that night, and as a result I ended up being unable to control myself and ultimately gave in to my urges.

I feel really bad for doing that. I know that is no excuse for my disrespectful and disgusting actions.

If another guy did the same thing to me, I would not have liked it, so all the more I shouldn't have done onto you what I didn't want others to do to me.

I am sorry for not showing any respect for your personal boundaries; I was being selfish and didn't care about how you would feel just because I wanted to satisfy my own indecent urges.

I have learnt, dearly, that without permission, this is utterly wrong and will not be condoned in society.

Again, I deeply and sincerely apologise for my inconsiderate and violating behaviour that day.

For my actions, I have been duly punished by NUS; I have been suspended from school.

I have learnt my lesson and definitely will not do this again.

I understand that molest is a serious offence, and that the root cause of my actions was my indecent mentality.

Hence, I am currently undergoing counselling and seeking psychiatric treatment to bring myself back on the right track in life.

I am working with my counsellor/psychiatrist to ensure that I will not repeat the same mistake.

Words can't express how regretful and remorseful I am for my actions that day.

This is a major turning point in my life, and I am fully committed to correcting my mentality and behaviour to become a changed man.

Please give me a chance to correct myself and become a value-adding member of society again.

I am truly sorry for my errant behaviour.


Suspended for one semester

According to an NUS spokesperson who spoke to TNP, Siow faced disciplinary sanctions at a Board of Discipline hearing last October.

This included his suspension of candidature and mandatory counselling.

Shinmin reported that Siow has resumed his studies in NUS this semester.

However, due to the social pressure he's facing on campus, he is planning not to return to school after the recess week, which will end on Sep. 29.

He will reportedly be contacting the school to make alternative arrangements.

Image via Lee Claxton/YouTube, Shinmin Daily News/FB

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