People real upset at lady who called S'pore 'less developed', could've been talking about Africa S'pore though

Piercing rebuttals.

Nyi Nyi Thet | July 13, 2019, 12:55 PM

Singaporeans have been getting rather upset at this year-old Quora question.

Here it is.

It's not really the question that has Singaporeans peeved though, but an answer from one Soxna S. Dice that riled them.

Here is her answer.

Basically Soxna tried to dissuade the person from getting a piercing because she was worried that a poorer country like Singapore had fewer regulations that could lead to getting diseases like Aids.

Her assertion led to Singaporeans (Southeast Asian ones) getting rather miffed.

Here are a few comments from Mr Brown's post.

Screenshot from Mr Brown's Facebook

Some industrious folks as well.


Which Singapore

Now her whole answer is riddled with inaccurate statements of course, but one possible alternate theory is that she mistook Singapore the Southeast Asian country with Singapore the settlement in Limpopo, South Africa.

Image from Owan Sino James

Here's some clues to back that theory up.

First she mentions Africa during her opening blurb.

"It’s very dangerous to get a piercing in a less developed country like Singapore. I spend a lot of time in Africa, and Americans don’t realize that other countries don’t have the strong health and safety regulations we do."

Which is either a gratuitous use of a continent far away from Singapore purely to illustrate poverty, or a genuine confusion as to which Singapore the question was referring to.

Based on her comment history on Quora, she appears to have spent considerable time in Africa, specifically Senegal.

She has also never once answered any other questions regarding Asia, Southeast Asia, or Punggol.

So in conclusion, shrug emoji.

To end off, here's a picture of a man, who is aware of both Southeast Asian Singapore and South Africa Singapore gleefully pointing at a sign in Limpopo.

Image from Hlangi Sithole



Image from Piercing Clinic and Hlangi Sithole