Stray mother cat dies after getting hit by car in S'pore, 4 kittens rescued & up for adoption

Hope the kittens find forever homes.

Ashley Tan | July 29, 2019, 12:43 PM

Cat lovers, here's your chance to do some good.

Kittens up for adoption

A stray mother cat was fatally hit by a passing car recently. One good samaritan, James Michael Lee, witnessed the incident.

In a Facebook post on July 29, 2019, Lee shared that the cat passed away soon after, and he proceeded to bury her.

From Lee's censored photo, it is evident the mother cat lost a lot of blood prior to her death

Photo from James Michael Lee / FB

Thankfully, the kitten she had been carrying in her mouth were completely unharmed.

To recover the rest of the kittens and bring them to safety, Lee dubbed the endeavour "Operation Pussy Search and Rescue".

Lee managed to locate the first two kittens on the first day but were unable to find the remaining two.

Luckily, after three days of searching, the last two kittens were recovered.

Lee has stated that the four kittens will be up for adoption, and he would foster them in the meantime.

Here's the bundle of furbabies:

Photo from James Michael Lee / FB

Any kind souls willing to adopt and not shop for a cat can contact Lee via his Facebook here.

You can view Lee's original Facebook post here:

More feel-good cat rescue stories

Top photo from James Michael Lee / FB