S$54 Huawei phones caused quite the hoo-ha in Singapore yesterday (July 26).
But even amidst the madness, one case stood out:
In case you missed the video:
Long story short, the woman had been trying, and failing, to buy the S$54 phone in JEM Huawei.This resulted in a skirmish with the police.
Bystanders watched in disbelief:
"Fight already…
Just for a phone…
It’s only that they made a wasted trip la
(Female intercepts) Looks like they don’t have stock already la
No need la, hundred over dollars kind of phone”
Refused to leave store
The police told CNA that the woman had "kicked up a fuss" after Huawei staff informed her that she did not get the ticket necessary to purchase the phone for S$54.
The woman then refused to leave the store, despite the store manager's requests.
When police arrived at the scene and instructed the woman to leave the store, she refused as well.
She was then arrested for criminal trespass, CNA reports.
Investigations are ongoing.
Top image via Kenny Low's Facebook
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