Guide dog conscientiously leading handler to MRT reserved seat shows dogs = love

So precious.

Andrew Koay | July 20, 2019, 04:15 PM

Guide dogs are allowed on Singapore's public transport -- for the uninitiated, FYI.

And to illustrate what great relief and assistance guide dogs provide to their handlers, Guide Dogs Singapore has posted an adorable video of Clare, a Labrador, leading her handler Chia Hong Sen to an empty seat on the train.

A kiasu auntie

"Clare is like a kiasu auntie," Hong Sen is quoted as saying in the post.

"She will walk very fast to an empty seat when she sees one, or sometimes stare at people who occupy the seats we normally take, and people will give up their seats for us."

Getting the reserved seat

This is seen perfectly in the video, which shows Chia and Clare waiting for passengers to alight a train.

Once the entrance is clear, Clare then locks eyes on her target -- the reserved seat.

With the focus and swagger of a true Singaporean aunty, she then guides Chia to the seat, halting once they've reached their destination.

For her effort, she receives a warm pat and rub on her head.

Clare then dutifully tucks herself behind her handler's legs and under the seat.

Independence and quality of life

The video was an effort by Guide Dogs Singapore to publicise its fundraising efforts.

According to the post, donations help the organisation to "empower our clients to regain independence and quality of life".

More information can be found here.


Needless to say, commenters were immediately charmed by Clare.

Warning if you are allergic to fawning and emojis, there is much of that ahead:


Top image screenshots are taken from Guide Dogs Singapore's Facebook page