Severely injured civet had to be euthanised after being abandoned in cage at Bedok

Its injuries were too severe.

Ashley Tan | June 19, 2019, 05:33 PM

The Animal Concerns Research and Education Society (Singapore) (Acres) rescued a common palm civet abandoned in a cage at Bedok on June 16, 2019.

Abandoned near the bin centre

Alerted by a member of the public, Acres' wildlife rescue team found the civet in a large steel cage along Bedok South Road at 11:15am, according to the group's Facebook post.

The critter, a species native to Singapore, had been abandoned at the bin centre of Blk 13A.

The exact location is marked with a red circle in a photo posted by Acres.

Photo from Acres / FB

A bowl of water and some dirty food scraps can be seen inside the cage.

Photo from Acres / FB

The civet was also found to be severely injured.

A photo of the creature shows the open wound on its arm. The fur from a section of its tail also seemed to either have been shaved, or had fallen off, exposing the raw skin below.

Photo from Acres / FB

After an assessment of its injuries at Wildlife Reserves Singapore, Acres revealed that its injuries were too severe and, unfortunately, the civet had to be euthanised.

Appeal for information

Acres is currently working closely with the National Parks Board (NParks) to investigate the incident.

They are also appealing for any information the public has pertaining to this incident, or information regarding someone keeping a civet at home.

Persons convicted of keeping wildlife illegally without a proper license can be fined up to S$1,000 and have to surrender the creatures.

Anyone with information to contribute may contact Acres via email at, or call their 24-hour wildlife rescue and crime hotline at 9783 7782.

You can view Acres' original post here:

Top photo from Acres / FB