This Taiwanese stall sells pancake pops shaped like roasted chicken

Surprisingly, there hasn't been a chicken-flavoured pancake pop yet.

Guan Zhen Tan | May 27, 2019, 03:17 PM

Yesmade is a Taiwanese pushcart food stall that sells pancake pops.

They have three outlets in Taiwan, with their main outlet located at Feng Chia Night Market in Taichung and two more branches in the Hsinchu and Zhongli district of Taoyuan.

Unique shape

The pancake pops are made from batter similar to that of usual pancakes, but what makes them special is that they are shaped like tiny roasted chickens.

[caption id="" align="alignnone" width="1080"]No photo description available. Photo via野士麥德-烤雞蛋糕 中壢店's Facebook page[/caption]

[caption id="" align="alignnone" width="1440"]No photo description available. Photo via 野士麥德-烤雞蛋糕 新竹店's Facebook page[/caption]

[caption id="" align="alignnone" width="1080"]Image may contain: plant and flower Photo via 野士麥德-烤雞蛋糕 新竹店's Facebook page[/caption]

Custom pancake iron

The pancake pops are made in Yesmade's custom-made pancake iron, which is their own unique creation.

[caption id="" align="alignnone" width="1440"]Image may contain: food Photo via 野士麥德-烤雞蛋糕 新竹店's Facebook page[/caption]

They come in 5 regular flavours: original, cocoa, matcha, cheese, peanut cocoa, and a secret flavour that is changed regularly.

[caption id="" align="alignnone" width="1080"]Image may contain: food Photo via 野士麥德-烤雞蛋糕 新竹店's Facebook page[/caption]

Prices start from NT40 (S$1.75) to NT50 (S$2.18)for a pack of five.

The pancake pops are not available for individual sale, and each pack can only have one flavour.

Previous secret flavours include bubble tea (with pearls!), yam, vanilla oreo, lava egg yolk, and tie guan yin tea custard, with new secret flavours announced via their social media handles.

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大家有吃過包著黃金流沙餡的雞蛋糕嗎❓😜 今天的 #快閃口味 主角是 #黃金流沙 很多人問說什麼是黃金流沙 就是那個港式料理的黃金流沙包的黃金流沙哦❗️(繞口令? 主要材料是用鹹蛋黃以及奶油製成的餡料 吃起來鹹鹹甜甜很涮嘴😁 因為要加在擠花袋裡所以我們做的比較稠一點,但味道仍然不馬虎 只有今天才有,想嚐鮮的人快來試試吧‼️ 下禮拜又要推出一週新口味 歡迎大家來底下留言許願哦❤️ #野士麥德 #40天連續快閃 ##taichungfood #烤雞蛋糕 #雞蛋糕 #台中美食 #逢甲美食 #逢甲夜市 #逢甲 #台中甜點 #網美景點 #加盟 #加盟品牌 #歡迎團體機關預訂#歡迎預訂

A post shared by 野士麥德-烤雞蛋糕 (@yesmade_eggpancake) on

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{新的限定口味} #鐵觀音奶茶卡士達 對產品若是沒有深愛,是做不出出色的產品 我們對自己都有著深深冀望與要求,時時追求更新與進步。 我們不是單純只有造型的雞蛋糕,我們更是用心追求美味的雞蛋糕! 由於原本的鐵觀音用熱泡的方式不夠濃⋯所以我們後來又改變了做法 - 將鐵觀音茶葉冷泡了三天三夜,為的就是要更融入茶香,並且這種做法也不會有苦澀的味道。 再拿出來加進卡士達裡熬煮,不停攪拌直至成為濃郁美麗的ㄍㄜㄍㄜ灰土色茶醬~ 因為我們不加任何香精,所以剛入口味道略淡,但在最後鐵觀音的香氣會在舌間滿佈開來,是非常高雅清新的口味,包進雞蛋糕裡味道十分獨特,令人回味再三🍃🍃🍃 - 常常聽到有人說我們的雞蛋糕不夠香甜,或是諸多酸言酸語襲擊,害得我們也有時候會自暴自棄的想過那就乾脆加化學原料算了(怒)⋯⋯⋯⋯ 但我們還是不喜歡這樣的做法,依然沒有這樣做過,雖然這個世界的大部分人都已經習慣化學物質所調和出來的食物味道。但我們想做的是長久的事業,是長久的產品,我們自己也深愛著我們自己的雞蛋糕,一路走來也有許多人的支持與稱讚 尤其是小朋友,最童言無忌,也最沒有心機。常常嘴裡還叼著雞蛋糕,就一邊大叫著說「這是我吃過最好吃的雞蛋糕」、「好好吃的雞蛋糕」 看到這樣的笑容,所有的煩擾與疲勞都煙消雲散,心裡都融化了❤️ - 為了守護這樣的笑容, 我們一定、一定要維持初衷 #烤雞蛋糕 #野士麥德 #雞蛋糕 #台中美食 #台灣美食 #逢甲美食 #逢甲夜市 #逢甲 #台中甜點 #taichung #taichungfood #desserts #加盟 #加盟品牌 #歡迎團體機關預訂 #歡迎預訂

A post shared by 野士麥德-烤雞蛋糕 (@yesmade_eggpancake) on

Where to eat

Here's where to find the respective Yesmade outlets.

Main outlet

Address in Mandarin:


Address in English:

No. 427, Fuxing Road, Xitun District, Taichung City, Taiwan 407 (next to McDonald's)

Opening hours:

Sunday to Thursday 4 pm - 11.30 pm, or when sold out.

Friday to Saturday, 4 pm - 12:30 am, or when sold out.

You can find this particular branch's Instagram account here, and their Facebook page here.

Zhongli branch

Address in Mandarin:


Address in English:

No. 117, Shijian Road, Zhongli District, Taoyuan City, Taiwan 320 (in front of bubble tea shop Wu Cha Dao)

Opening hours:

Monday to Friday: 4 pm - 11 pm

Weekends: 4 pm - 11.30 pm

You can find this particular branch's Instagram account here, and their Facebook page here.

Hsinchu branch

Address in Mandarin:


Address in English:

No. 53, Shengli Road, East District, Hsinchu City, Taiwan 300 (In front of clothes store Hitz)

Opening hours:

Monday to Sunday: 2.30 pm - 8 pm

You can find this particular branch's Instagram account here, and their Facebook page here.

Top image via 野士麥德-烤雞蛋糕 新竹店's Facebook page