Huawei phones lose Google services & Android updates after Trump blacklist

Google moved to comply with President Trump's executive order.

Sulaiman Daud | May 20, 2019, 10:29 AM

Tech giant Google has suspended business services with China's telecommunications company Huawei.

According to a Reuters report on May 20, the following services have been halted:

  • Transfer of hardware.
  • Transfer of software.
  • Transfer of technical services.

The only exception are those services that are publicly available via open-source licensing.

Comply with Trump order

U.S. President Donald Trump signed an executive order that blocks American technology companies from using foreign information technology and services it deems a risk to national security.

On May 16, the Trump Administration added Huawei to the list of blacklisted companies.

A Google spokesperson, quoted by Reuters, said that it is "complying with the order and reviewing the implications."

But on May 17, the U.S. Commerce Department said it would consider "scaling back" restrictions on Huawei to prevent disruption to existing networks.

What does this mean for your phone?

The implications for Huawei phones are far-reaching.

It will lose access to updates for Google's Android Operating System.

Future Huawei phones that use Android will not have access to services like the Gmail and YouTube apps, as well as the Google Play Store.

But owners of Huawei phones who currently have the Google Play Store should be able to continue downloading future updates, as they are released by the store and not the phone manufacturers.

What does this mean for the market?

The impact of Trump's order is expected to be minimal within China itself.

The government has already banned most Google mobile apps.

Instead, Chinese phone owners use alternatives developed by homegrown firms like Tencent and Baidu. Huawei itself has developed its own technology for use as a contingency plan.

But the move is expected to hurt Huawei's foray into markets outside of China, like Europe.

Huawei licenses their tech services from Google in the European market, thereby affecting future phone sales if the order holds.

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Top image from Donald Trump and Huawei's Facebook pages.