Plastic pollution is a very serious problem, especially in Indonesia which is second only to China as the world's largest contributer to ocean plastic pollution.
19-year-old Indomie packet still in good condition on the beach
On April 7, a photo of an Indomie packet that washed up on the shores of Sendang Biru Beach in East Java went viral after it was posted to Twitter by Indonesian Fianisa Tiara Pradani @selfieeanie, Indonesian media Kompas reported.
The packet appeared to be in relatively good condition, with Fianisa highlighting that one could tell the package had been floating in the ocean for 19 years because it featured the words "Long Live Indonesia, 55th anniversary".
This also meant that the packet had been manufactured for a one-off event.
Agustus nanti indonesia akan berumur 74 tahun. Namun, pagi ini saya menemukan bungkus indomie yang bertuliskan dirgahayu indonesia ke-55. Saya merenung sejenak karena perbedaannya 19 tahun jadi bungkus ini terombang ambing di laut sampai hanyut ke bibir pantai selama 19 tahun😔
— fia (@selfeeani) April 7, 2019
His tweet in English said:
“In August, Indonesia will be 74 years old. But this morning I found Indomie packaging that features the writing ‘long live Indonesia, 55th anniversary’… So this wrapper has been floating in the ocean for 19 years before it got washed up on the shore"
Fianisa's tweet has since been retweeted 70,000 times, including a retweet by Indonesian Fisheries Minister Susi Pudjiastuti.
Packet was found during a collection for water and sediment samples
Fianisa subsequently revealed that the packet had been found while collecting water and sediment samples from the beach, Kompas further highlighted.
A maritime studies student at Brawijaya University in the Indonesian city of Malang, Fianisa stated that a lot of garbage was discovered on the beach as well, which she decided to help clean up.
She added that despite what she had seen on Sendang Biru beach, she did not think its garbage problem was as bad compared to some other beaches.
How serious is Indonesia's plastic problem?
Of the estimated 1.15 million to 2.41 million tonnes that contaminates the oceans annually, Indonesia is estimated to contribute about 200,000 tonnes, The Conversation reported.
Additionally, four of Indonesia’s rivers -- Brantas, Solo, Serayu and Progo -- rank among the top 20 most polluted rivers in the world.
A major part of Indonesia's plastic problem stems from how the usage of plastic bags has increased over the past decade, up to a current rate of roughly 9.8 billion plastic bags per year, The Jakarta Post reported.
However, 95 percent of these bags usually ends up as waste.
Indonesia has since pledged to reduce its plastic debris by 70 percent by 2025.
Top image from Fianisa Tiara Pradani Twitter @selfieeanie
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