M'cyclists participate in massive group outing in S'pore over weekend stopped by police

Not legal.

Fasiha Nazren | Belmont Lay | March 26, 2019, 12:48 AM

What happened?

A large number of motorcyclists congregated to ride together as a massive group on Singapore roads.

Based on videos, the group is at least 40-motorcycle strong.

When did it take place?

The riders were out and about on Saturday night, March 23.

The mass gathering was organised by local motorcycle enthusiasts.

Various videos of the group of motorcyclists were put up on social media on Sunday, March 24.

Such as this one:


Translation: You bring the motorcycle around like sh*t and then you want to blame TP, blame Singapore government, blame PAP and all. Never want to blame yourselves.

Who organised the the meet-up?

A group called "kapcaisinga" posted videos of the night out on Instastories.

"Kapcai" is the name for the underbone, which is a model of motorcycle.

via Wikipedia

The "kapcai" term is popular in Singapore and Malaysia.

"Kapcai" is a slang word derived from Cantonese, being a combination of the word "Cub" from the word "Honda Cub", and "仔", which in Cantonese, "仔" is pronounced "jai", or in pinyin "zai", and it means "little".

What was the gathering like?

The large group of motorcyclists riding together was an intimidating sight on the roads, as the whole group can easily take up three lanes together:

[video width="720" height="1280" mp4="https://static.mothership.sg/1/2019/03/kapcaisinga-video.mp4"][/video]

The motorcyclists can also be seen from an elevated location to have been riding fast together:

[video width="720" height="1280" mp4="https://static.mothership.sg/1/2019/03/kapcai-night-riding.mp4"][/video]

Stopped by police

The group of riders were eventually believed to have been stopped by police at Bukit Batok at about 2am.


Comments on the various videos on social media said the group was spotted as far north as Punggol and as far south as Lavender on that night.

Responses to the motorcyclists

Obviously, not all road users were amused by the kapcai riders.

One motorist posted on Facebook the displeasure of other road users -- which the kapcai riding group then responded to:

Translation of Facebook post: To the organiser who organised yesterday's ride, I have a few things to say to you. Next time use your brain. Of all the times you had to do your meet up, you had to do it at Bukit Batok's Shell outlet. Where is your brain? Because of you and your stupidity, my favourite hangout place is no longer safe... because of your stupidity, even innocent people were stopped by the police... because of what? Just because we ride motorcycles too... The big motorcycle brothers are laughing right now because of people like you, don't know how to think of others... You think it's cool to have such a chaotic crowd at Shell and then making lives hard for other people. This is the first time I've seen a ride being halted because the organiser left his brains at home. I'm sorry if you can't accept what I said, I don't care if you're unhappy because you've already caused trouble for others. People who were not involved with your stupid event were also stopped by police. So to the organiser, f*ck you!!!

Response from KapcaiSinga: We're sorry to those who weren't involved in this. But you can afford to talk nicely a bit. If you think that way, you try to organise a mass ride. If God wills, we will attend.

Kapcai group response

The kapcai motorcyclists group's response appeared not too bothered by the night's joy-riding antics ending with the police stepping in:

Translation: All of us from KapcaiSinga would like to apologise if tonight's ride was full of runaways. What to do when we were playing catching with tango papa (a slang for Traffic Police) and LTA. For those who were stopped by them, we hope you can perservere.

However, tonight's attendance was the best so far. Thank you for coming and spending your time with us. Please be careful on the road.