PM Lee's 2019 CNY message: Distinct S'porean Chinese identity emerged over the years

No piggy puns this year.

Martino Tan | February 04, 2019, 12:26 PM

Prime Minister Lee Hsien Loong has issued his annual Chinese New Year message, wishing all Singaporeans a Happy Chinese New Year.

PM Lee highlighted a few key things for Singaporeans to think about this Chinese New Year:

  • The history of Chinese Singaporeans since 1819.
  • The evolution of the unique traditions and culture of Chinese Singaporeans.
  • The identity of the Chinese Singaporeans and how it's dynamic and evolving.

PM Lee: "S'porean Chinese have become distinct from Chinese communities elsewhere"

As Singapore is commemorating the Singapore Bicentennial this year, PM Lee reflected on how Chinese immigrants came to Singapore from as close by as Malacca and as far away as Canton, Swatow and Amoy from China.

In terms of traditions and culture, PM Lee noted that Chinese Singaporeans have developed their own unique ways in celebrating Chinese New Year.

For example, Chinese Singaporeans would lohei to express their hopes and wishes for the coming year and Singapore started holding the Chingay Parades from 1973 to celebrate Chinese New Year.

Lastly, PM Lee concluded that the celebrations reflect how the Singapore Chinese identity has evolved and emerged over the years.

Hence, Singaporean Chinese have become distinct from Chinese communities elsewhere, both the Chinese societies of China, Hongkong and Taiwan, and the overseas Chinese minorities in the diaspora in Southeast Asia and the West.

However, PM Lee noted that the Singaporean Chinese identity would keep evolving, as new generations come of age and new immigrants join Singapore.

CNY animal puns

Speaking about traditions, there is no Chinese New Year animal pun this year.

Below are some puns over the past three years:

2018 Dog Year: "As we usher in the year of the Dog, let us be dogged in our efforts to create a better Singapore and a brighter future for our children".

2017 Rooster Year: "This emphasis on renewal is even sharper in this year of the Rooster, whose crowing signals a fresh dawn"

2016 Monkey Year: "I hope you will continue to go for them, to be 机智灵巧 , just as the monkey leaps onto higher branches to pick peaches, and through his wit and agility takes care of himself, and stays at least one jump ahead of others."


Here is his message in full:

This year, we are commemorating the Singapore Bicentennial. 200 years ago, Stamford Raffles arrived in Singapore. That marked a crucial turning point in our history, including for our Chinese community. While Chinese junks had traded in Singapore as far back as the 14th century, large-scale immigration started only after Raffles established a free port here.

Chinese immigrants came from as close by as Malacca and as far away as Canton, Swatow and Amoy. Like other groups, the Chinese came to seek their fortunes and support loved ones back home. Some immigrants eventually returned to their home villages. But many stayed, and gradually made Singapore their home.

Most immigrants arrived in Singapore in debt, and did back-breaking work here as plantation workers and coolies. When Chinese New Year came, they were too poor to travel back home. Instead, they celebrated with fellow labourers and clan members in Chinatown, and re-created whatever traditions they could – eating auspicious foods, performing lion dances for good fortune, and setting off fire crackers to drive away evil spirits.

Over the years, Chinese Singaporeans developed our own unique rituals and traditions celebrating Chinese New Year, which were passed down the generations. Today, at reunion dinners, we do lohei (捞鱼生) to express our hopes and wishes for the coming year. When visiting friends and relatives, we enjoy pineapple tarts, kueh lapis spekkoek and kueh bangkit, a reflection of the Southeast Asian heritage of the Straits Chinese. In the 1970s, we stopped letting off firecrackers at homes and along the streets, because in a built up and dense city, this was dangerous to people and property. In their place, to kindle the festive mood, we started holding Chingay Parades (妆艺大游行) from 1973.

The Chingay Parades were inspired by the pre-war Chingay processions in Penang to celebrate temple festivals. The first few featured mainly Chinese cultural items – lion and dragon dances and traditional performances. But since then Chingay has grown into a celebration for people of all races and ages. Chinese lion dancers perform alongside Malay children playing the kompang and Indian dance troupes classical and modern. All our ethnic cultures contribute items. International groups too, participate, coming all the way from Japan, Russia or China. Every year, thousands of Singaporeans young and old look forward to taking part in and watching the Chingay Parade. The involvement of all races adds a special joy and richness to the festivities, and reflects our unique multicultural society. We see this happening also when the Chinese join in Hari Raya celebrations with our Muslim friends, and Deepavali festivities with our Hindu friends.

The way we celebrate Chinese New Year reflects how the Singapore Chinese identity has evolved and emerged over the years. Chinese Singaporeans have integrated into a larger, multiracial whole. In the process Singaporean Chinese have become distinct from Chinese communities elsewhere, both the Chinese societies of China, Hongkong and Taiwan, and the overseas Chinese minorities in the diaspora in Southeast Asia and the West.

But identity, like tradition, is dynamic. As new generations come of age and new immigrants join us, the Singaporean Chinese identity will keep on evolving. The new arrivals will enrich our cultural heritage with their different life experiences and perspectives. At the same time, I hope that over time they will adjust their social norms to our local context, and embrace our uniquely Singaporean cultural habits, just as earlier generations did. This is the way for the Chinese community to stay vibrant, and for Singapore to be open, dynamic and resilient for many years to come.

I wish all Singaporeans a happy and prosperous Chinese New Year.

2019 年总理新春献词




这些年来,新加坡华人形成了具有本土特色的新年习俗,并将这些习俗一代又一代地传承下去。比如,我们会在新年期间与亲友或同事一起捞鱼生,希望捞个好彩头,一整年顺顺利利。拜访亲友时,我们也会品尝各种具有东南亚土生华人文化特色的糕点,包括黄梨挞,千层糕和kueh bangkit等。然而,在70年代,由于我国逐渐成为一个人口稠密的城市,为了安全起见,政府决定禁止人们在家里和路边燃放炮竹。所以,从1973年开始,政府就通过举办妆艺大游行,代替被禁的燃烧炮竹活动,为农历新年增添热闹气氛。

妆艺大游行启发自二战前槟城庙会的花车游行。早期的几个妆艺大游行表演的节目以华族文化为主,有舞狮、舞龙,以及其他传统武术与舞蹈表演。时至今日,妆艺大游行已经蜕变成一个汇聚全国各族,不论年龄、不分种族,同欢共乐的活动。在活动上,我们可以看到华族醒狮团、拍着手鼓 (kompang) 的马来小朋友、踏着古典和现代舞步的印族舞蹈员同台表演。此外,日本、俄罗斯和中国等世界各地的表演者也远道而来参与其中,为这个庆典增添异国色彩。数千名各种族国人每年都期待观赏或参与妆艺大游行,共同沉浸在浓浓的节日气息。各大种族的参与为新春佳节平添一份特殊的喜气,也展现了我国丰富多彩的文化。这就是我们这个多元文化社会的独特之处,各族人民共庆彼此的重大节日。就如每逢开斋节时,本地华族同胞也会和回教徒朋友一起庆祝,在屠妖节时,我们也会与兴都教同胞一起欢度。




Top photo from Lee Hsien Loong Facebook and PMO website.